well fuck

Portland this weekend isn't happening. Shobhit hurt his back at work a few days ago and the pain has not subsided enough so he doesn't feel up to the trip. I am beyond disappointed, but whatever, I guess I'll live. My hope is we can just reschedule for sometime in July. I'll come in to work tomorrow after all but still take Friday off for our anniversary. The only reason I was taking two days off for this trip was because we had to be headed back on Saturday for Britni and David's wedding -- which I'll go to with or without Shobhit, but hopefully he'll still be able to come to that -- and the Portland trip was only ever going to be two nights. So by postponing it, I really only need to postpone one of the days off anyway as then we could leave on a Friday and return on Sunday, or maybe go Saturday through Monday, whichever.
I was just so, so looking forward to this trip, and hate having to cancel (or postpone) it so last minute. It really bums me out. But, Shobhit's health and well-being should come first, I do know that. It's not like he's faking the pain or anything, and who wants to go on a trip with compromised mobility due to constant pain? The one part that somewhat irritates me still is that he doesn't seem all that gung ho about still going to Portland and just doing it another time. But now I'm going to make it my life's mission to make that happen.

I just got back from lunch with Karen down at the Six-Seven at the Edgewater Hotel -- which normally would have been happening tomorrow, but we rescheduled it because I thought I'd be out of town. She told me a lot about her recent visit to Las Vegas, where she went to accept an American Institute of Architects award, and brought Dave and Anita with her. I've been to Vegas six times and will have my seventh trip there, this time with Danielle, this fall, so we had a pretty good amount of things to talk about.
We had to sit in the bar because the regular dining room was booked full, which is unusual but does happen on occasion. Our waiter, whose name was Levi, was almost overly attentive -- until the very end, after we had paid our bill but Karen needed to break a twenty. Anyway, we split the gyro sandwich as always and it was delicious as always and the company and conversation was great as always.
She did have some recommendations for Shobhit's back problems, and Shobhit seemed to waver a bit on canceling during lunch because his pain was subsiding, but for several days now it's been really bad in the morning and so he's still suggesting we cancel. Then I rode my bike back and now I need to get back to work and I guess send out new notices about my time off this week.

[posted 1:34 pm]