the rest of the weekend

Having already posted about boating with Heather and Tim on Saturday, honestly all there is to tell you about my weekend, really, is all the TV and movies I watched. That's where we're at now, just spending virtually all our time looking at screens of various sizes. Well, except that we did spent at least half of Saturday almost exclusively not looking at screens. We got real-life spectacular views of Mt. Rainier, Blake Island, Alki Point, downtown Seattle, Puget Sound, Elliott Bay, even Bell Harbor Marina, which I had never been inside of on a boat, though I have walked past it on the waterfront countless times. So I guess my point here is, as much TV and movies as I watched over the weekend, I did break it up with a pretty spectacular day out in the sun on the water that was so much fun, all four of us practically passed out from exhaustion as soon as we got back to our respective homes.
I also spent a bit of time writing. Probably cumulatively about three hours of it, four if you count the captioning of Saturday's photos. But actual prose? Friday evening I took myself to see The Farewell at The Egyptian Theatre, which was very good, after which I came home and wrote a review; yesterday I took myself to see Diamantino at SIFF Cinema at the Uptown on Lower Queen Anne, which was not very good (a rare example of my opinion being contrary to critical consensus -- although I remain pretty convinced it's the kind of movie that will not age well even in the eyes of others), after which I came home and wrote a review. In both cases I saw the movies while Shobhit was working a shift at Total Wine & More. The other hour spent writing pose would be yesterday's blog post about Saturday's boating.
I still keep thinking about how much fun Shobhit had. I'm probably thinking about it way more than even he has been. But it was delightful for me, just to see him having such a great time. I don't get to see him so happy for such a sustained period very often.
Oh! I actually did read my library book for a bit as well, maybe slightly less than an hour's worth cumulatively, mostly on the bus ride to and from the movie yesterday. I took the bus for that very reason, so I could read. I could have read while walking too, but it was too late to walk by the time I was done writing the blog post yesterday morning.

What else, then? Oh: the TV. Shobhit and I finished season two of Fleabag, which, yes, was very good, but also somewhat predictably, was not what I would call the "masterpiece" other people are literally calling it. I'm certainly glad I saw it and I would recommend it, but I'm not going to go evangelizing about it.
Also, Shobhit and I both started and finished the six episodes of Good Omens on Amazon Prime, which I enjoyed -- I liked the last three episodes better than the first, so evening it out I would give the full limited series a solid B. After Shobhit got home from work late yesterday afternoon, we probably watched the final four episodes in a row. We never watched anything else. We also made a pasta-roni dinner and had chai. It was a perfectly lovely evening, actually, even if it was spent pretty much doing nothing but watching TV.
Oh, I also vacuumed -- at Shobhit's request, and then he did not appear to notice it when he got home. I'll probably need to vacuum again by the start of next week, in anticipation of Ivan's arrival on Wednesday the 31st, for his final visit before flying off to New Zealand for a completely indeterminate period of time, aside from it being a maximum of two years. But none of us, not even he, expects him to be there quite that long. I'll demand he send me photos just like I did when he went to Eastern Europe in the late winter to mid spring last year, and he will likely comply. I'll be very interested in his photos from New Zealand, actually; perhaps more than I even was of his travels last year.
That pretty much covers all else there is to say about my weekend, making for an unusually short Monday post just because I already posted yesterday all about Saturday. I did no other socializing over the weekend and neither did Shobhit. So, I guess I'll just get back to work now.

[posted 12:20 pm]