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Here's something I seriously hate about getting older: how often I find myself with strained muscles, after something as simple as sleeping. Do we need to invest in a new mattress, I wonder? It's probably worth looking into, given how often this happens to me, and the fact that we have been sleeping on the same mattress since at least 2007. Maybe even earlier? I don't remember buying a new bed just for the move into the condo. That's a long time. I need something better.
I've already taken two Aleve today just for the aching on the right side of the back of my neck. What's weird is that, at least now that I've taken pain killers, the pain is fairly mild, and yet, it's persistent enough that it also comes with a pretty continuous feeling of moderate nausea. I don't particularly care how mild or moderate it is, I really hate nausea. Then again, I hate physical pain of all sorts, really. I have a low threshold for it, I think.
These periods of strained back and neck muscles are fairly common for me anymore, and have been for maybe the past year or so. And I'm really fucking tired of it.

What else can I tell you? Not much, really. Well, I guess I could mention Shobhit and I had a dinner we made last night that we never made before: the mozzarella cheese in our refrigerator is clearly nearing its expiration date and we needed to burn through it. So, we walked the couple of blocks up to Trader Joe's to get a French baguette and tomatoes, and we came home, baked the baguette slices we cut out of the long, thin loaf, and then made crostini out of it. We probably both ate about twice the volume we really should have, but it was sure tasty.
We watched this week's episode of Years and Years, which honestly I thought was the weakest one so far -- to me, it's getting to the point of being the least plausible vision of the near future. It feels more like speculative fiction than a truly possible near-future reality, as the earlier episodes felt like. There is one episode left, though, and the user ratings on IMDb rate the finale highest of them all, so perhaps next week's final episode will be better.
Shobhit hasn't been watching season two of Big Little Lies, so I then went to the bedroom to watch the finale of that. People are calling it "a letdown," but I think I liked it nearly as well as the first episode. Meryl Streep was fantastic and will probably win an Emmy next year for it. (It appears not to have been eligible for Emmys this year.)
Shobhit started watching some Harrison Ford movie while I did that, and so while that was still playing in the living room, I did something else I've never done before: I took a chair out onto our balcony and just sat down to read my library book for a short while. That was when I read John Waters pose the very good question, Is there anything more rock-and-roll than whacking off the first time to Elvis Presley?
That was the one thing I posted to social media all day yesterday.
I later watched some of On Golden Pond, which Shobhit started watching from Amazon Prime Video. I would have watched all of it but it got late and I was tired so I went to bed.
Otherwise? Well, apparently Boris Johnson is to be the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He's the British counterpart to Donald Trump but as I understand it, when he proves to be useless in the role, it will be far easier for them to rid themselves of him in that position as it ever would to oust President Fuckwit. That whole Brexit thing -- which Johnson spearheaded -- made something occur to me today: the UK have arguably fucked themselves to a greater degree with that than even the U.S. did to themselves by electing President Fuckwit.
I don't exactly take comfort in that.

[posted 12:29 pm]