movies and books and bikes and backs

Most of my evening last night was taken up by my taking myself to see the "photorealistic" remake of The Lion King, which exceeded my relatively low expectations by leaps and bounds in virtually every way imaginable. I loved it, and as I wrote in my fairly lengthy review, I don't quite understand the people who don't. I even spent much of this morning listening to a podcast episode of Blank Check where they spent most of the time shitting on it. And the thing is, I actually understand most of the criticisms being lobbed at it. That doesn't really change the fact that they're still wrong.
I had a great time watching that movie, and Shobhit almost certainly would have too -- and yet, he declined joining me precisely because of the bad reviews (in total, the reviews have decidedly been mixed; some have loved it and some have hated it and I am in the former camp). Often box office is what sways his interest in a movie regardless of how badly reviewed it is, so this was an odd change -- the movie is making serious bank at the box office, after all. It's nothing like the box office take of the original, of course, but that would be difficult to do. The 1994 version of The Lion King was once the fourth-biggest movie of all time. (Well, in unadjusted dollars, but still.)
Shobhit worked yesterday until 6:15, and so even though I had a 5:20 showing of the movie at Pacific Place, I still rode my bike home to feed the cats quickly first so they wouldn't have to wait until 7:00 to get their dinner -- even though they would have been perfectly fine in that case. They still had food in their dishes when I got home, after all. On the other hand, I was able to grab my library book and read for the twenty minute walk to the movie and then again for the twenty minute walk back home afterward.

Shobhit made a yummy dish of potatoes, paneer and rice, which we ate with the last of the packets of frozen parathas. It was very tasty, and we ate while watching an episode of Cheers, which was not the greatest episode, kind of dumb actually, but whatever. But we didn't have time to watch an hour-long episode of something because I needed to get to writing the review of The Lion King.
Shobhit came back to the bedroom to read his own book while I wrote. When he watched On Golden Pond the other night, Henry Fonda's character demands that the 13-year-old boy read Treasure Island -- and so, now that's the book Shobhit is reading. Apparently he's on chapter seven already. He didn't get very far, though, because he fell right to sleep not long after crawling into bed with the book, and was snoring steadily while I wrote.
Oh, and my back and neck seem to be much better today. Still a little sore, but nothing like yesterday, when the weight of my shoulder bag really seemed to make it worse. Riding my bike home, it was bad enough that I actually switched the bag around so the strap went over my left shoulder and hung against my right side when it's always the other way around. I knew I'd never make it home with it on the normal way without getting into some serious pain.
I did not have any lunch to carry to work today, though, as I made macaroni & cheese yesterday and as usual therefore had the second half of it already ready to eat today. That made my bag much lighter for the ride in to work this morning, which was a relief. I didn't even wear, or carry in my bag, a jacket; it was 59° for the ride in but the sun was out so it wasn't very chilly at all. Hopefully it stays better.

[posted 12:26 pm]