changes in the detail

Short post today! I didn't write up any part of this before my lunch break, which is rather unusual. There's not much to say about the 25 or so hours since my last update anyway; I rode my bike home from work, I had leftover potato paneer for which I made a new batch of rice, and when Shobhit got home from work we watched the first episode of the third season of Harlots on Hulu, which I was engaged by but it's not quite the same without Samantha Morton around.
I did kill an hour or more on a Facebook post I posted to the Madonna group I belong to, in which I posted screenshots of all 25 different Madonna playlists I have, complete with notes in captions on each one. It's getting a pretty good response, being in the one context where the majority of even the potential audience is actually interested in it. Not that I think anyone reading this here would necessarily be interested, but under normal circumstances I would link to it, but I can't because it's a closed group.
I had initially had plans to go to a wine tasting event at Total Wine & More this evening, but that got scrapped because, wonder of wonders, Shobhit got booked for background work on a local production of a commercial both today and tomorrow. It's not quite the same as a straight up acting gig, but in a way it's still technically acting, and is easily the most "actor-y" thing Shobhit has done since returning from Los Angeles in late 2016. I'm actually happy for him. I guess it's likely to take longer for the payments to actually reach him in the form of checks, but he'll still make more on these gigs for than he would have at his regular job.

I just got back from lunch with Karen down at the Six-Seven Restaurant at the Edgewater Hotel, our first lunch in four weeks as the one from two weeks ago had to be canceled due to her trip to visit her parents in Massachusetts -- and as she told me about it today, it was more "a trip" than "a vacation." I guess Anita and Dave flew out to join them later, and Anita thought she just had a cold, got sicker on the flight, and then found out after arriving that she had a rare form of Strep throat. So, she basically spent the entire visit, save for the last day, in isolation. She didn't even get to see her cousin bringing a newborn baby from Nicaragua because, of course, they didn't want to risk getting the baby sick.
Karen and Dave are flying Anita back out next week so she can see the baby though, so that's nice. I hope she has some understanding of the level of privilege she's grown up with . . . I keep thinking about any similar scenario when I was just out of college. Having my parents fly me out to where I had already flown across the country to, again just because I had been too sick the first time? That kind of thing would never happen. No one would have been able to afford it.
Anyway, it was otherwise very nice and pleasant visiting Karen as always. The only disappointment was that the veggie melt sandwich we shared from the specials menu is already gone again! We only got to have it that one time. The truffle macaroni and cheese we shared for literally months stayed on their "specials" menu for ages, so I really figured this new sandwich would stay a while. Apparently not. Damn it.
On the upside, the gyro sandwich is still delicious and is slightly cheaper. So there's that. I guess I'll get back to work now.

[posted 1:26 pm]