
My whole evening last night was all preparation. Well, except for the two separate half hours I spent watching Netflix, finally getting to the first and second episodes of the third season of GLOW, which actually is really good so far -- the scripts go in unpredictably compelling places, without any extremes. It's just a really fun hang with all these women characters, plus the two guys played by Marc Maron and Chris Lowell. I love pretty much all the characters.
I just made myself a veggie hot dog for dinner. Shobhit texted me at one point and asked if I made pasta and if so could I pack a lunch for him. This would have been bad timing for making pasta, really, with only one day to partake in leftovers that would otherwise have to wait until Tuesday next week, after we get back from Denver. Shobhit, thankfully, did not seem too upset when I texted back that I did not think to make pasta and maybe he could just take one of the frozen burritos to work for lunch today.
I was otherwise occupied by doing laundry, washing the cat dishes, refilling the cat treat feeder, vacuuming the condo, updating my budget to include today's paycheck and projected expenses for the next two weeks, and even getting a moderate start on packing for our two-night trip.
I did a lot of that in between the two episodes of GLOW I watched. Shobhit was supposed to work only until 8:15 last night, but he had his shift extended to 10:15 -- he even texted me if I minded, and I replied, Go for it. Normally I would likely be asleep in bed by the time he got home after that late a shift, but I was in bed and absorbed by the library book I'm reading about US mass transit networks. Suddenly I'm wondering how difficult it would be to get a job working for Sound Transit, doing work similar to what I do here. That's a place where I would have a lot more passion for the actual tasks at hand, as I would feel like I was a part of making my beloved city better. I'm actually considering looking up what kind of positions they have open -- although, looking for work at any agency that depends on government funding feels like a bigger gamble than the truly rare level of job security I have right now.
Shobhit was in a kind of surprisingly good mood when he got home, even giving a smile and an "Awww!" when he saw Shanti laying on top of the suitcase I had out on the floor. She pretty reliably does that any time the suitcase is out, though.

I just ate my requisite payday pizza (just because it's the day I usually eat my beloved Tandoor Chef Eggplant Naan Pizza) out on the patio, and as they did on Wednesday, Terry and Steven actually came out to join me. I wound up staying out there much longer than usual as a result, because we had such intellectually stimulating conversation, about local politics, and national politics, and climate change, and Ken Burns documentary series about a lot of it. The subject matter was pretty much uniformly depressing, but it was fun talking to them about it.
We all came back inside to the kitchen together, and Steven remarked, "That was a lively conversation!" Terry added, "Conversation with Matthew is always fun." And then, somewhat cracking me up, Steven goes, "Thanks, Matthew!"
But now I think I need to figure out if there's a hair in my eye, on my contact. My right eye is very irritated. And then, I guess, I'll get back to work for the rest of the afternoon.

[posted 12:53 pm]