in the zone

Well it took much later into the week than usual to get to this point, today being Thursday, but today I don't have much to share here, mostly because the vast majority of my time last night was dedicated to my going to see the excellent movie Luce. I rode my bike straight to Pacific Place from work to see the 4:40 showing; it let out right at about 6:45; I then made rice and sautéed a few vegetables to add to Indian meal packets for dinner; and then I wrote the review. At the end of all that, it was nearly 9:00 and Shobhit was just getting home from work.
I was briefly willing to watch the season finale of Pose, but then Shobhit reminded me about updating my budget with all the spending from the trip to Denver. He is far too obsessed with seeing all that information, and mostly my approach to that is "whatever," but the thing is, I actually did still need to update it. So, I did that, and by the time I finished it was about twenty minutes after 9:00, and when I saw that the Pose episode was ninety minutes long, I just felt too tired for that. It did occur to me just now that fast-forwarding through commercials it would have been closer to only an hour, but I think I still made the right choice. I was able to get my exercises and even a little bit of reading done.
So, anyway -- the budget. Every paycheck I budget an added $100 or $200 for spending money for planned travels, as of last week earmarked for "Denver and Las Vegas." It was up to something like $865 as of last Friday's paycheck, which I had to knock down by about $242 that I spent in Denver over the weekend. That still leaves me well over $600, which is more than plenty for Danielle's and my two-night trip to Las Vegas at the end of next month. I do still need to keep in mind a minimum two-night stay in a hotel in Wallace, Idaho in December, though. Beyond that, the "setting money aside" will be dedicated to the trip to Australia in late February / early March.
Speaking of which! Shobhit and I were talking to Sara about that over the weekend, and she mentioned that when she, Tim (her now-ex husband) and Daniel (her son) went to Ireland maybe five years ago, AAA basically served as travel agent and did all the booking for them! They'll do that? Shobhit and I had no idea. So we are definitely going to set up a meeting at a local AAA office to explore this idea, as we really need to get our shit together with booking that trip.

I just ate my lunch, the last of the leftover pasta Shobhit and I made on Tuesday, out on the patio again -- this time on my own; Terry appears to be out on store tours, which is typical for Thursdays, and Steven was not taking his lunch break. Once in a while Claudia sits out there, although it hasn't happened in some time, but she's on vacation at the moment to get married to Dylan. They even had a big barbecue reception party last Saturday, which I was pretty bummed not to be able to attend due to being in Denver with Sara. Claudia texted Sara a few photos of the party and several PCC people I love were there, including both Mimi and Janice. But, oh well; maybe I'll offer to take Claudia out for a drink or something once she gets back.
Weather is kind of perfect for August right now -- comfortable low-seventies, mostly cloudy. That works for me for this time of year.
I've been kind of dicking around at work too much today, though. I suppose I should spend the rest of the day getting some real work done. I'm super productive when I'm in the zone, at least!

[posted 12:18 pm]