hey there tiger

Last night I went to see a wonderful, dark and kind of unsettling fantasy-horror movie from Mexico called Tigers Are Not Afraid. It kind of surprised me how much I liked it, given how little I knew about it going in; I made the decision to see it based mostly on there being limited other options for movies last night, and a high score (76) on MetaCritic. I actually did not realize it would have such a memorable, if subtle, fantasy element to it, and that was the part I really liked about it. Nothing I looked at prior to making the decision to see it made it clear how much of a horror element there would be; one part scared me so badly I about shit myself. But, on the whole, I was quite impressed with it.
Also, it was almost sheer luck that I managed to go home first to feed the cats, eat a quick sandwich for dinner, and bus rather than bike all the way back to Lower Queen Anne to see this movie at its 6:00 showing. Two key things made this possible: biking home after leaving work ten minutes earlier than usual; and the #8 being only less than five minutes delated when I went to go catch it. I actually got to the Uptown Theatre with something like eight minutes to spare. As a bonus, this allowed me to read my library book on the bus both on the way there and on the way back home.
Also, the movie is quite short, only 83 minutes. So even including the bus ride, I was back home by 8:00, giving me plenty of time to work on the review. By the time I was done with that I was already closing in on getting ready for bed, and once again I was sound asleep before Shobhit got home from work, even though he must have arrived only moments after I fell asleep right around 10:00.

I just ate my leftover macaroni and cheese lunch out on the patio, with unusual company: Beth and Kibby, who were sitting on the cushioned chairs off to the side closest to the water, where I usually sit just because those are the best chairs. So, I went to join them.
There is a group of four of those yellow cushioned chairs, and a guy from Britain named Ivan (in his case pronounced "Ee-vahn") came to join us. Apparently he's only been here since Tuesday, and this evening is his last night here before he flies to, I think he said Philadelphia? and then he goes back home to Britain. He's here training the Category Management department on a new system they're using.
Anyway at one point Kibby mentioned how accents can get you far in the U.S. because they make people seem exotic, and she's certainly right. This guy's British accent was very sexy. He's clearly straight, though; there was also talk about his very pregnant girlfriend who is due in November. And talk about pets; he showed photos on his phone of his three dogs. Kibby talked about onesies she got on Etsy for her two pit bull mix dogs and I'm disappointed she had no photos at all.
It was nice and pleasant and sunny out there, already in the low seventies, forecast high in the high seventies. Days like this are likely not to last much longer, although of course there will be more of them later every year as time goes on until we all bite it in some climate change-related weather catastrophe. Anyway back to work!

[posted 12:31 pm]