feelin' good . . . for now!

Finally I have little to report today . . . no major news, no lunch with any friends to tell you about (although we have a Town Hall Happy Hour at work this afternoon, which will have to be covered in tomorrow's DLU), no noteworthy events to report on. The closest would be that, after biking home and having a quick dinner yesterday, I bused to the U District to see Official Secrets, which was imperfect but still enjoyable. I got into it even as I recognized its corny elements. I could really imagine Shobhit enjoying it. Actually I would never have had much interest except that I happened to see that it was directed by Gavin Hood, who had directed Eye in the Sky, a movie I found so surprisingly good I actually put it on my top 10 for 2016. I ranked it at #8 for that year, out of a 116 movies seen total.
I guess I could comment on the ridiculous traffic along the bus route on my way there. The #49 bus was only five minutes delayed by the time it reached my stop at Pine and Broadway, which isn't so bad, except that a bus ride which at that time of day is estimated to take 30 minutes actually took 42 minutes, and that was on top of the five-minute delay. So, by the time I was actually walking in the door at the AMC Seattle 10 theatre, it was actually 6:35 and I was there for a 6:30 movie. And I still needed to pee first.
No worries though, I knew there were still probably fifteen minutes of trailers to get through. Except then, when I came back downstairs after using the bathroom, the woman ticket taker did not have the scanner for my app QR reader as the person standing there usually does, and she said I had to go over to the box office to get scanned. Except then, the single register open at the box office was occupied by another young lady taking another five minutes or so dealing with this couple making a complicated purchase involving a gift card. It was at this point I really began to get annoyed -- where the fuck are their mobile scanners? If the ticket taker had just had one I'd have already been in my seat by this point.
But, whatever. I finally got my pass scanned, they printed out a ticket for me (dumb, when I had a mobile pass), and by the time I found my seat, not only were the trailers still playing, but I had two more yet to sit through! You see what all the fretting did for me? Nothing, really. And those two last trailers gave me some useful information, notably that Taika Waititi's crowd-pleasing-but-critic-dividing JoJo Rabbit will open locally November 8 as opposed to the published release date of October 18, meaning I could move it on my calendar to Monday November 11 as a possible day to see it with Evan as we had discussed earlier this month; and also that a rather interesting looking movie starring both Ian McKellen and Helen Mirren (who, incidentally, had been in Eye in the Sky) called The Good Liar will open November 15. November is looking to be a good month for movies, as it typically is.
Anyway. The movie ended, I took a #49 back to Broadway & Pine, walked the six blocks home from there, wrote my review, got ready for bed after that. Shobhit got home right before I went to bed, having gone to that yoga / spa thing. I haven't asked him how that was yet, and I really should. I'm not going to see much of him for the next couple of days. He works late this evening and I intend to go back to Steamworks.

Anything else? Not much. I suppose I could do the rather unusual and make some comment on the impeachment inquiry starting for President Fuckwit, about whom I really try to minimize comment here not because I have any desire to hide my true feelings about him but because it's so ridiculous and exhausting even having to give him any of my attention -- which is frankly all he wants, no matter what type of attention it is, he's such a vile narcissist. But for now, I do have a take on all this collusion-with-Ukraine stuff, and it's this: I won't be satisfied that anything will happen to get us even closer to removing him from office outside of an actual election until it has actually happened. That man's resilience has been underestimated at every turn, and for ages I have been done hoping for him to be brought to task or held accountable by Congress. I'm never one to be saying "This is what will finally bring him down!" The only thing I actually believe will bring him down is defeat in a straightforward election, and I don't even have full faith that the 2020 election will be straightforward or even fair. Hell, the Electoral College (not to mention the Senate itself) is inherently unfair regardless of who is running, given the disproportionate electoral votes given to the least populated states. Crazy rural conservatives are given for more power and voice as individual voters because of this system than the vast majority of people, who happen to live in more heavily populated states. It's all bullshit.
And? I keep wondering how hopeful it will even feel if my favorite candidate -- currently Elizabeth Warren -- actually wins in 2020. Democrats have failed this country all along as well; they've just been less brazen and craven about it than Republicans. I mean, shit -- President Fuckwit and Republicans are going out of their way to speed up the inevitable; a shift back to Democrats will only slow it. But by how much of a perceptible margin? Without truly drastic cultural change on par with the mobilization of our citizenry during World War II, it will all remain too little too late. Climate change will get worse for decades to come no matter what we do, and the only question now is whether we want to get fucked slowly or quickly. I mean, shit, every time any new massive climate change related study comes out, they discover how things are happening faster and worse than initially predicted.
I mean, don't get me wrong -- I am still deeply invested in President Fuckwit's defeat. But, the satisfaction that comes with that will be a lot more about taking pleasure in his (objectively justified) downfall than with any idea that it will usher in any real hope for humanity's future. Elizabeth Warren isn't going to swoop in and save everybody and neither is anyone else. She'll just make the inevitable slide into global oblivion much more tolerable.

[posted 12:35 pm]