on the list

I have little to update you on today. The "threat" of snow has yet to amount to much; buses were on snow routes this morning but Capitol Hill down to downtown barely had more than a dusting. Sidewalks were white-ish, but not so much downtown. I did not manage to catch a bus until there was a #10 at Belmont on Pine; when I reached 3rd Avenue downtown, no bus was expected soon enough for me to bother waiting and so I walked again the rest of the way.
And as for last night? It did start snowing later in the evening, but in very fine flakes. I really wanted some nice photos, but none of my routine neighborhoods, from Capitol Hill to downtown to Belltown, had enough to make it especially photogenic. I still have a few shots. There's more snow in the forecast this evening and tomorrow, but we'll see. I was going to take myself to a movie tonight but Shobhit has the evening off and also I don't want to be out in it. Besides, Just Mercy can wait until this weekend, when it appears nothing else of interest is opening anyway. We'll see what the reviews of Dolittle are like, but I have pretty low expectations on that one.
So anyway, I spent virtually the entire evening working on my Oscar nominations analysis post. I must have worked on it for three and a half hours, at least. More than half of that was just getting the html codes and all the links right and embedded correctly. Once I had it at a point where I could simply write the commentary, I was able to breeze through the writing relatively quickly. No one just glancing at the finished post would have any idea how much time it took just to format all that stuff. Granted, a lot of it was just making all the movie references link to my review of said movie, which is arguably not imperative, but hey, sometimes I'm a perfectionist. Especially when it comes to these posts.

I also washed the sheets. These are the exciting things I have to tell you about today! Sachin had slept over in the guest room on Sunday night, so I had the guest bedsheets to wash, and I figured I might as well wash the sheets on Shobhit's and my bed as well. It sure is nice to slip into freshly washed sheets when you go to bed that first night after laundering them. Dealing with that was relatively time consuming as well, particularly putting all the sheets back on both beds. It takes longer than you expect. Or than I ever expect for some reason, anyway. I had thought maybe I could watch one episode of some TV show with Shobhit once I was done with the Oscar Nominations post, but making the beds took up all that extra time, and then it was time for me to go to bed myself.
I heard from Harvey at work this morning—he works for one of our brokers now, so I do hear from him slightly more often than when he didn't. He actually did some of my training when I was first hired in 2002, and at the time, his position was basically the equivalent of what Noah does now. That was when Stephanie was in the position Scott is in now. Literally everyone in Grocery is different now except for me. Anyway, Stephanie in particular really loved Harvey, and was crushed when he left in 2004. He's worked for a few places in the meantime, but a year or two ago got hired at one of the brokerages with which I have frequent contact. My more direct contact at the brokerage is someone else now, but Harvey and I still exchange emails every once in a while.
What he emailed me this morning was kind of amusing:
I spent last Friday with Scott. He told me that I really need to get on your email list.
#1. Put me on your email list!
#2. Why was I not the first person on your email list!?!
So, needless to say, he is now on my photo digests email distribution list—bringing the total back up to 48. I had to explain to him that when I was first doing these, in 2006, I was sending them only to like six people here at PCC. And he had been gone two years even by then. He reacted with mock outrage, that he was "deeply hurt." But, because of the dipshit who had ratted me out a couple years ago about sending those digests via work email (which I had been doing for well over a decade), I got his personal email and now it'll be added next time. I also forwarded him the most recent one I sent out (New Year's) as well as the one for my most recent out-of-state trip (Las Vegas). I just realized the next ones will be particularly exciting, as they will cover my trip to Australia starting at the end of next month.

[posted 1:18 pm because I stupidly spaced it for nearly an hour!]