on my way

I thought I'd be spending another evening at home with Shobhit last night, having originally planned to go see Just Mercy, but then I moved the movie to tomorrow night because the only workable showtime is at 7:15 and that would just be easier on a Friday. But, then one of the managers went home not feeling well from Big 5 last night, and Shobhit ended up having to cover his shift until 9:45—after having been there since 7 a.m.!
But still, I decided, fuck it, I'll stay home for the evening anyway. I was already on my way home and I'd had no expectation of going out again.
I also still made Tandoor Chef pizzas for dinner, as Shobhit had already suggested; Shobhit just didn't get his until he got home around 10:00. Once they were done baking, though, I sat and ate them at the dining table while watching the second season of short standup specials called The Degenerates on Netflix on my iPad. I had tried season one and had to turn it off because I found the content too problematic (one standup pointedly using the word "tranny" way too much) but I found the comics in the second season to be a lot better, including Nikki Glaser, who I had just heard a few days ago on Andy Richter's kind-of-okay podcast (it's got nothing on Conan O'Brien's stupendous one).
And then, I really just killed time for the entire rest of the evening kind of just faring around online. It was very chill, actually. Let's call it "self-care," that'll work!

My relative success, for now at least, of keeping my weight in check continues. I've been using an app to track my daily weight—it includes a line graph!—for maybe a year and a half now, and I looked over the history this morning: only twice in that period have I managed, barely, to get under 150 lbs. Yeesh. Oh, how I long for the days when I had managed to get down to 140 lbs! I've done it before, though. I can do it again.
My current accomplishment is that I have managed to be slightly down every day now for four days straight. I actually hit 155.9 lbs this morning and I hadn't managed even that low in four weeks! I really want to make this permanent, and I do feel like I have one major incentive that I haven't had at other times: next month's trip to Australia. Shobhit and I plan days at beaches at least once in all three cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide) and I don't want to go there feeling fat. I want to go feeling like Shobhit is doing an international tour to show off his trophy husband!
Did I mention it's sunny today? All those suburbs with all that snow over the past few days, and I got barely more than nothing. I was fucking robbed!

[posted 12:24 pm]