still making plans

Once again, little to report . . . Shobhit worked until 8:00 last night; I killed about an hour and 15 minutes right after work riding my bike to the office and back. I made the choice to go Monday instead of Tuesday this week due to the weather forecast, and that it was liable to be much nicer for bike riding yesterday.
I got back and I made burgers for dinner, putting Shobhit's in the microwave just to wait for him to get home from work. I then watched the season premiere of season 2 of The End of the Fucking World on Netflix, just looking for something new to watch with short episodes that Shobhit would not necessarily be interested in.
A little later, though, I watched this week's episode of We Are Who We Are on HBO Max on my iPad, which I was about 10 minutes into when Shobhit got home. I watched in the bedroom and Shobhit was able to get right to his news programs in the living room. Shobhit won't feel he missed anything in the show this week: no male nudity whatsoever. There was some nudity, but it was female. Not exciting to us, but actually still compelling to me in terms of the story. Because again, by and large nudity in narrative film or TV for me only matters when it serves the story. I watch TV and movies for compelling stories, not just for "sexiness." There's porn for that.
Oh, just a couple of Gabriel-related things to note: we've chosen 1984 for our next "Movie Draft," which we'll do this coming weekend sometime. I have no idea what documentaries I could possibly be familiar with that year. Also, I got on a text thread with him and Mandy and we made a plan to have a virtual Pumpkin Carving Party on Friday the 23rd. Oh right; I actually did mention this yesterday. Gabriel did tell me on FaceTime last night though that I "came in a little hot" with my texts to Mandy, which I didn't really realize. Someone should tell her I only flip people shit when I like them. Perhaps I will do that.

I just finished with our 11th Office Lunch Meetup, the second to happen on a Tuesday. Changing the day of the week hasn't exactly increased the numbers, but it has made the participants vary a bit. We never had more than five at one time, but I think total participants counted to seven this week: Rebecca and Brent as always; Noah and Andrew again; and return appearances by Rachel and Zaira. Add myself, and that makes seven!
Zaira, who is our Receptionist, mentioned having watched Alien and Aliens for the first time. I love those movies, so you can bet I was all about talking about that, as well as the broader movie-related discussion that followed. I asked her how old she is and she said 26—this fascinated me as I did not watch those movies for the first time myself until I was 19, which was 1995; Zaira would have been one year old then, and as I mentioned to her, those movies were old even at that time. Although of course, "old" is relative, as in 1995, Alien was 16 years old and Aliens was 9. So that's like being in 2020 and calling movies that came out in 2004 and in 2011 "old movies." I suppose a 19-year-old might think exactly that today, though; it was certainly how I thought of those movies in 1995. In any event, I instantly became a huge fan of the whole franchise and have been ever since.
Oh! Before I forget, one last thing, I nearly spaced telling you about last night. I got a call from Dad, and he brought up the idea of an "East Side" version of the family reunion, instead of dreaming that one day the continuation of the family reunion that just happened late last month might also include my brother and his descendants. The thing is, Christopher can't be expected to travel really, and Dad came up with the idea of having a bunch of us stay at the Hercules Inn in Wallace sometime next year.
I actually love this idea. And so did Nikki and TJ, apparently, after Dad suggested it to them when they stopped by for an impromptu visit just this past Sunday. And Dad and I both agreed this was a great thing to combine with my original idea of him and me going to Wallace at the same time next year to take a bike ride on the bike path Shobhit and I had walked a ways down in early August.
So: Christopher already lives in Wallace; he would not have to travel. Hopefully he'll have Christian and Braeden with him for Father's Day, which is the weekend Dad and Sherri both suggest we do this. (This will be one week after Shobhit's an my anniversary, but I still think we can work with that.) Ideally, we could then rent out all four units at the Hercules Inn thusly: Shobhit and me in one unit; Dad and Sherri in another; Nikki and TJ (assuming they opt to do more than just their usual day trip) in the third; and Becca and Tyler in the fourth. I have a feeling Becca and Tyler will insist they would need to bring their dogs, though, and Hercules Inn does now allow pets. I'll be surprised if they make it at all, honestly, but it sure would be great if they did—even if they had to rent some other place that did take pets, or maybe even stay at Bill's house with him and Christopher. Although that would be crowded.
As I said to Dad, we have lots of time to figure it out. Still, however many of the units we want to book, we'll want to know that early enough to be able to book them before someone else does so first. I'm excited though.

[posted 1:05 pm]