rainy morning

Interesting weather day today. As I write this, the rain is coming down unusually heavy. We're close enough to the winter solstice now that it tends to be dark still, even when I sit down to start working by 7:30. I tend to turn on my bedside lamp to give myself more light for just the few minutes it takes before it's fully light out. On a morning like today's that might last a little longer, with clouds covering the sky. It wasn't long this morning before there were some cloud breaks though, and I had to draw blinds so I wasn't blinded. That didn't last long, at least not for the rest of this morning. It's raining hard enough as I write this that I can hear the rain, even with my windows closed.
I guess there's been a couple flashes of lightning, even. The Yahoo weather app on my iPhone is cracking me up, as it's using an animated background during what it identifies as "Thunderstorm," even though I haven't heard a single instance of thunder, and at the moment there is no lightning. I keep seeing flashes of "lightning" cracking across the screen of my phone, though. Even weather apps stupidly exaggerate Seattle's famously wet weather.
And then: according to the forecast, by noon the rain will stop and will have sun breaks for the rest of the day. The weather should be perfectly fine for me to walk to the Central District PCC when I finish work today; Shobhit also happens to get off at 4:30 today so he'll meet me there, so we can do our grocery shopping. Then we'll go to Beacon Hill and get produce at MacPherson's.
We did other shopping after work yesterday, at Costco. Before that, Shobhit drove us by the Central Library downtown so I could return my two CDs I checked out and ripped to my computer—I was barely able to fit them into the book returns bin they keep outside during COVID instead of letting us use the regular book return slot in the wall. This is a huge bin, mind you; like maybe three quarters the size of a standard garbage dumpster. So, clearly people in Seattle are still using the Public Library a lot, which is kind of heartening in its way.

After Costco, Shobhit drove us up to the PCC Central Office so I could do my paperwork swap-out. The weather was actually good enough yesterday I could have ridden my bike, but we were out doing errands anyway so I went with the car. It was also just barely late enough that I got the spectacular sunset shot of Elliott Bay that you see at the bottom of this entry.
We proceeded to make tortellini pasta with a cheese kale sauce we had just gotten at Costco, adding fresh chopped tomato and pine nuts at the end. Delicious, and what I also had for lunch today. Shobhit wanted to continue watching his news shows and so I retired to the bedroom so I could finally catch this week's episode of We Are Who We Are on HBO Max, a show I keep just loving, even though it bores Shobhit so much he stopped watching two episodes ago. I hope to watch another movie for review this evening, this one again on Netflix, and it seems likely Shobhit may actually watch that one with me.
I'll have another movie to watch for review tomorrow night, then the Virtual Pumpkin Carving Party with Gabriel and Mandy on Friday. We still need to establish a time. I found my pumpkin at Costco last night so I'm all set; I just need to find where I've stored my old pumpkin carving tools, which are no doubt with the rest of my Halloween stuff where there is a wig I think I may be able to make work for my costume two weekends from now, instead of having to put anything in my actual hair.

[posted 12:30 pm]