
I could have taken yesterday to go to the office and swap out paperwork, and thus been able to ride my bike as the weather was cooperative yesterday—but, I also had another movie to watch for review, and I preferred to get it finished before Shobhit got home from work, which precluded biking to the office. I'm doing my receiving paperwork today and will go by the office tomorrow morning instead. Shobhit needs something printed anyway so it sounds like we'll be driving, and although tomorrow should be dry enough to ride, it's also forecast to be in the low-forties in the morning, which is getting into too-cold territory for bike riding.
Thus, right after work yesterday I watched the new remake of The Witches on HBO Max, and it . . . was pretty "meh". B-minus. Slightly better than the C+ Rebecca I had watched the evening before, although these are wildly different types of movies. But, in terms of quality level, not all that much better. I enjoyed parts of it, I guess. I honestly don't think The Witches would have been a box office hit even if it had been able to release in theaters this year. It would have come and gone barely noticed.
It's too bad, these two truly mediocre movies I watched midweek, after four days in a row last weekend of movies ranging from very good to phenomenal. I hope to get back into that range again with new movies I'm watching again soon.
Shobhit asked me to go to Trader Joe's to get some yogurt for him while he was headed home from work. He actually made the request earlier but I was in the middle of the movie and not willing to stop it. He wound up meeting me at Trader Joe's, but just in time for me to finish and get in the car, getting a ride all of three blocks back home. Then I wrote my movie review, before we watched three episodes of season four of The Mary Tyler Moore Show—still no return yet of Betty White as Sue Ann Nivens, what gives?—before I was then getting ready for bed.

And now, after she requested to have it postponed from yesterday when it turned out she needed to drive in to her office, I just finished lunching with Karen over FaceTime. It was yet another hour of perfectly lovely and pleasant conversation.
She asked "What's new with you guys?" and at first I was going to say there wasn't anything new—and then I remembered the plan I made with family to meet for an outing at ZooLights at Point Defiance Zoo on Saturday November 28. That gave us plenty for us to talk about for a while, including how we're approaching the upcoming holidays overall in our respective families. At the moment I literally don't know what I'll be doing specifically on Halloween Night, or for Thanksgiving Dinner, or on Christmas Eve; I only have a hopeful idea and general plan of what I'll do Christmas Day—it then also occurred to me I don't have a clue what New Year's Eve will be like this year. Gathering to watch fireworks at the Space Needle is clearly out of the question. That said, this also just occurred to me as I was writing this: what if they still do fireworks, but just limit crowds near the Space Needle? If they do that, then we could still go to my office to watch; every time I've gone in the past no one else was there anyway. I'm going to make a mental note of that being a possible new Year's option.
Karen also told me it was Anita, their now-grown daughter, who had insisted they all post photos of themselves slipping their ballots into a drop box, which I thought was awesome. I had no idea she had been the one to insist they all do that, which I guess she told them "everyone is doing," and all her friends and others she knows her own age are also doing. I found that very hopeful. I had already posted photos of Shobhit and me dropping off ballots last Friday just because it was something I would do anyway, but I did think it was especially important this year, as a means of encouraging others to do the same.
It's very windy and my internet just cut out momentarily. Shit. I hope this doesn't become an issue for the rest of the afternoon, and I'd better get this posted and get back to work.

[posted 1:12 pm]