Wed, 8:45: My building’s fire alarm went off. I quickly grabbed the cat carrier out of the closet, knocking a bunch of other shit to the floor, crammed the cats into the carrier and headed for the door ... only to have Shobhit remind me of the long-scheduled annual fire confidence test, for which there is no required evacuation. 🤦🏼
I never had to worry about this shit when I was working in an office! I was never home for it. I must say it’s hard to work with this alarm constantly blaring in your ears.
Wed, 17:45: Sarah Cooper: Everything's Fine on Netflix is a little like comedy on psychotropic drugs. I rather enjoyed it.
Wed, 21:38: Does anyone else remember the “interlude” between tracks on Janet Jackson’s 1997 album “The Velvet Rope” where she’s just casually jerking off while on speakerphone with a friend who simply laughs and says “Your coochie gonna swell up and fall apart”?