
Oops! Today's DLU is definitely going to be brief; I got too busy all morning doing, you know, actual work. The nerve!
There's little to report anyway. I made plans to go visit outside, socially distanced, in Claudia and Dylan's backyard after work today; they live north of the U District and I intend to ride my bike. That meant, however, that I would not be able to ride to the office to swap out receiving paperwork today, so I did that yesterday instead.
Once I got back, I heated up some eggplant meal packets with chopped onion and tomato added to it for dinner. That was just finishing up when Shobhit got home from work, and we then watched several episodes of TV: Lovecraft Country (which I quite enjoyed this week), Fargo (ditto), two episodes of The Mary Tyler Moore Show. That about did it for the evening.

And then, today I just finished with our 10th weekly lunch hangout with coworkers on Zoom, but our first on a Tuesday, switched from Friday last week. The switch, at least for now, did seem to boost the number of attendees slightly: in addition to staples Brent, Rebecca and myself, we got returns from Sara J, Peter who works with the Commissary, Noah, and first-timer Jennifer B who dropped in for the final ten minutes or so. So we had a total of seven today, although we never had more than, I think, five at any one time.
We had lots to talk about and it was fun and engaging and easily filled the hour, even though as is typical, Brent and Rebecca and I were the only ones in the room for the whole hour.
Now, though, I really need to get back to work.

[posted 1:08 pm]