low key

Less eventful 24-hour period this time around. I wound up working about half an hour later than usual yesterday just to get a particular task at hand done, and then there was about ninety minutes before Shobhit got home from work. I had already eaten the leftover tikka masala from Spice Box the night before, along with new rice I made, which I made enough of for Shobhit to have with other leftovers of eggplant and okra he had made two nights before. I also baked the last of the naan from Spice Box so it was nice and soft and warm when he got home—something I should have done with my own half of the last naan, as microwaving it effectively just turned it into a giant cracker. But, whatever. I ate while catching up on some YouTube videos.
Then we watched the final episode of The Queen's Gambit on Netflix, and I was quite impressed by how well they stuck the landing on that. Some of it was transparent emotional manipulation, and I found myself moved all the same. Also, genuinely thrilled. Imagine how talented you'd have to be to make a show about a chess genius genuinely thrilling. What a great show.
Then, oddly, Shobhit actually went ahead and watched the previous night's episode of A Late Show with Stephen Colbert, which had a particularly funny monologue. Colbert has done a great job of making that show his own since Letterman retired. I do find myself wondering, though, when did they change it from The Late Show to A Late Show? Hmm. I guess that change came with having to broadcast from home due to the pandemic. I wonder if it will return to "The" when he can have studio audiences back again? I only just learned he's actually back inside the Ed Sulliuvan Theater, albeit with a new set that is a replica of the office he had been broadcasting from at home.

And, that's about it. Laney and I did establish we would do November Happy Hour tonight over Skype rather than in-person as we had hoped, even though the rain has actually let up after all . . . but, it will still be after dark and quite cold, like 43° or something. We'll both be a lot more comfortable this way. Last month's Happy Hour in the park is now set to have been our last until probably next summer, when she returns from her first round of retirement travel.
I may hang out with Danielle tomorrow, though, exploring downtown tunnels—if they are even open. I haven't seen her in ages and we still won't hang out inside the condo, and we will absolutely have masks on. She found a Seattle Times article about pedestrian tunnels and is kind of surprisingly interested in it; and, the girls will be with their dad for the weekend, I guess. One of said tunnels is just the Metro Transit Tunnel, which I've been in a zillion times, but, it's also huge and will allow for plenty of social distancing. In all likelihood we'll still be spending most of our time outside anyway, so hopefully it's not too rainy. This idea is somewhat tentative anyway, but I do have a library book to pick up downtown at 1 p.m. and thus have a plan to be downtown tomorrow already.

[posted 12:29 pm]