a thrilling post

Not much to tell today . . . I took the car and drove to swap out paperwork at the office, and I think I may have been in and out of there in record time, just under ten minutes. This would mostly be because the receiver stack I had picked up over the weekend was unusually thin; the one I picked up last night was rather thick again so next time I'm there it will take me a bit longer than ten minutes.
This is fascinating stuff. Isn't it? I discovered a casual friend's blog not long ago, and found it . . . well, just, not very compelling. And this person does not post daily, far from it. It made me imagine the people who discover this blog. Now, with all due humility, I do think I am a better writer than this person, or even just your average person, but that doesn't change the odds. Namely, that most people who come across this blog probably react in either the same or very similar ways. Like: who cares? I know I do have a select few dedicated, daily readers—and I appreciate you!—but that sustained level of interest kind of eludes me. Not even my closest friends read it unless they know I'll be writing about time spent with them. Shobhit does read pretty regularly, but I've actually seen him do it: not even he reads with a marked interest. He kind of skims. And I can't say I blame him, really, especially if it's a post like this one.
As always, this blog is far more about my need to meet my own needs of writing something every day than it has ever been about being compelling to others. If this is the most interesting blog you read, you need to broaden your horizons!

Anyway, after driving to the office, for the first time I drove straight from there back to the Central District PCC store—a 15-minute drive with no traffic; that's likely at least twice that long, and probably more, when things are normal and all the cars are back on the streets again. Plenty of office staff will be driving that route regularly eventually, although in terms of routing it was kind of surprisingly straightforward: due south along Elliott / Western Avenue all the way down to Marion; northeast to 6th Avenue where you have to cut one block north over to Madison; Madison to slight veer to the right on Union, and PCC is about half a mile further east on Union, at 23rd. It doesn't sound like it but roughly speaking that's really just straight down through downtown and then straight east to the store in the Central District; the only variance is a couple instances of needing to move one block over due to things like a dead end or a one-way street.
I had one last night to redeem a member coupon for $30 worth of Health and Body Care products for $15. I had thought it was a digital coupon that just didn't get sent to me, but when I asked Eric about it yesterday he explained that trying to make those digital for staff was causing too many problems and so they had to work some sort of workaround so you just have to ask for the deal verbally at the register once they scan your member card. (Side note: my member card is apparently dated enough now that the young woman who rang me up didn't even realize what it was.) I got myself a new bottle of Wellness multivitamin tablets, even though I just bought a new one not long ago; and three more deodorant bottles to meet the $30 threshold. I'm good on both items for some time to come, but hey, I did save fifteen bucks!
Are you still incredibly fascinating by all I'm filling you in on today? You know you are!
I came home, Shobhit and I had fried tortillas with the dinner he made, and we watched this week's incredible, Wizard of Oz-inspired episode of Fargo, and then two more episodes of the new season (season four) of The Crown, which is also fantastic.
Trying to decide what I might put high on my TV priority list for when we're done with these shows, I came up with a new tool: just like with movies, Metacritic has great TV filters as well. Check this out: you can sort all-time TV shows by MetaScore, and one thing that particularly jumped out at me was how often The Larry Sanders Show seasons appears in the top 10 there—and, after reading It's Garry Shandling's Book, I was already interested in binging that show, which I only ever saw a few select episodes of in its original run. I have a feeling that one will hold up. You can also filter by best new TV shows, which is making me think perhaps I really should finally check out this PEN15 show I've heard so much about.

[posted 12:30 pm]