a day lost, a day gained

Well, shit sticks. I just discovered I apparently never posted a Daily Lunch Update (DLU) last Wednesday. Even though I wrote one! It had the photos embedded, and I could swear to god I even remember putting it into a draft on this blog and posting it . . . but I must not have, because it's not there. I wrote about my first day working a shift at PCC the previous day, and the intent was to post it just before leaving for that day's shift, actually on time this time instead of just forgetting to click the "post" button until getting home again at the end of the day . . . and, I guess, I made the same mistake twice, and then misremembered having posted it before leaving and so I didn't bother posting it at any time.
I write up these posts first in email drafts in Outlook. But, once I delete the drafts, I delete the content first, just so there's not a lasting draft of blog posts in my Deleted Items folder for weeks on end. And I clearly deleted the content and then deleted the draft of that post on Friday, still assuming I had already posted it to the blog. But I was wrong! What a weird mistake to make, one I've never done before. That day is basically just lost to history. Not that it matters that much; the only pertinent points, really, are that the shift went fine and was surprisingly easy. I walked to the library after work to pick up a DVD. Shobhit and I must have watched some TV or a movie or . . . really, who cares? Also you glean enough about my two four-hour shifts at the Central District store from my DLU posted on Friday.

And then, I have little more to tell you about the rest of my weekend as of today either, as I already posted about all that yesterday: going to the office Friday after work and walking through Westlake Park and the oddity of the Lighting of the Tree Ceremony having gone virtual; the Zoom hangout with Gabriel and Lea and a couple of their friends on Saturday while I decorated my Christmas Tree; going to ZooLights Saturday evening.
Yesterday was far less eventful, although I did watch and review another movie: The Nest, starring Jude Law and Carrie Coon. Solid B. I rented this one on demand for four bucks, which is worth it just to get to see a new film, although curiously I am finding a lot of the time the better ones are the ones that have immediately pivoted to streaming services.
Before Shobhit got home from work, I finally got around to giving Schitt's Creek another chance. Some time ago I watched the first three episodes, found them moderately amusing, and just never continued on. I must have just been in the wrong headspace at the time, as this time re-watching those first three episodes, and then one more besides, I found them hilarious. The show has six seasons but it shouldn’t be hard to burn through them all since each season only has only 13 or 14 half-hour episodes. I do kind of feel like even four episodes is more than enough for one sit-down, though.
After Shobhit got home, we watched the miniseries finale of The Undoing, which he had seemed relatively compelled by each week, and I actually liked this finale, but Shobhit's final assessment was, "What a waste of time."

[posted 12:30 pm]