My tweets

  • Mon, 10:51: I keep scrolling through Facebook Memories, encountering photos of myself from 5 or more years ago, and finding myself far more fuckable than I had any idea I was at the time.🤔
  • Mon, 13:15: For all the dipshits angry at their governor for "canceling Christmas" and needing to get a fucking grip, three quick reminders:

    1) People's literal lives are more important.
    2) Christmas isn't "canceled," it's just different this year.
    3) The ability to adapt is the hallmark of survival.
  • Mon, 14:06: Stevie Nicks sold 80% of the copyrights to her songwriting catalog for $100 million?! Is she *that* desperate for breezy shawls and suede boots?
  • Mon, 19:25: This title is literal truth in advertising and it's a leisurely, pleasant exercise.