
What can I tell you today? Not much!
I suppose I can tell you I feel a little better today than I did yesterday, with the somewhat worrisome added detail that while I feel far less fatigued at the moment (that could get worse later in the day; it did yesterday), I do have a slight taste in my mouth that I've had in the past when I got sick. So, who knows? On the upside, I only had to get up to pee in the middle of the night last night twice, as opposed to the five or so the previous night, which strikes me as a definitive improvement. My Sleep Cycle app indicated quite the roller coaster ride between "awake" and "deep sleep" throughout Monday night; the pattern is far different last night: quite near "deep sleep" until about 2 a.m., which I think was the first time I got up to pee—and then it hovers much closer to "awake" for the rest of the morning until I got out of bed at 5:03.

I just discovered that season two of His Dark Materials already started on HBO—two weeks ago! So as of last night, Shobhit and I had three episodes to catch up on. We only watched one last night, though, because then I decided to go to bed early; I was tired from such a shitty night's sleep the night before, and also figured it would be good for me to get some real rest. I was asleep, basically dead to the world, at 9:22.

[posted 12:32 pm]