definitely better

Good news! The funky sort of fatigue I had been feeling the past two days seems to have passed. I could be wrong of course, but I still feel pretty strongly that I don't have covid—I have neither spent any time indoors with anyone besides Shobhit in months, with the exceptions of the two four-hour shifts at the Central District PCC last week (entirely masked and in every case very brief encounters), and any time outdoors has been distanced and masked, so, while not impossible, the probability still seems exceedingly low. Besides, I still haven’t had any truly emergency-triggering symptoms like loss of taste or even a fever or cough, so I'm still assuming it's related to my decade-long herpes infection, which just every once in a while results in an outbreak worse than usual. Granted, this one has been different from the past even in that context, but the discomfort urinating—which I have experienced before—is what keeps me under this assumption. That discomfort remains, unfortunately, although I'd say it's slightly improved; I'm just glad the fatigue and the minor headache I woke up with both yesterday and the day before have gone.
Now, I do also keep thinking about the commonly reported process of Covid infection involving minor symptoms that seem to go away just before it rebounds and sends people on their backs. I figure a couple more days will answer that question definitively, but I still don't feel like I have what would be considered "covid symptoms" that justify getting tested when so many other people are needing tests right now. I honestly don't think I have it; on average it just seems too much closer to the likelihood of a herpes flare-up.
It just sucks when something like this happens in the middle of a time when everyone is worried about so many things possibly being symptoms of a pandemic virus. What a pain in the ass.

So, last night I pretty much spent all evening watching either TV or a movie. First was last week's and this week's episodes of His Dark Materials on HBO with Shobhit, and he agreed with me when I said that so far I feel like the current season is better than the first. But, then I had a digital advanced screening of a movie, called Half Brothers, and . . . some of it was okay, and a good lot of it sucked. You don't need to watch it.
I took maybe 45 minutes thereafter to write the review, and since the movie's screening was at 7:00, I was in bed soon after that. So that basically catches you up.
I nearly forgot that right after work today we're having our virtual all-office Happy Hour, which will be in lieu of both our annual Thanksgiving Feast and our annual Holiday Cookie Exchange. I keep wondering if we will return to both as separate events in future years, and I hope so; I don't care for making a traditional Thanksgiving event and a traditional Christmastime event into one event. And even last year, thanks to people being too busy to do it during November because of the opening of a new store, the November "Holiday Potluck" was bumped into December, thereby making that event also in lieu of the Holiday Cookie Exchange. So this is actually the second year it's had to be combined into one event! This better fucking get back to normal next year.
That said, I'm looking forward to this evening's event, and since it's being called a "Happy Hour" I'm definitely having a cocktail.

[posted 12:28 pm]