My tweets

  • Tue, 13:57: This is one of the most illuminating pieces on coronavirus risk I have read to date.

    The Risks - Know Then - Avoid Them

    Two main takeaways:

    1. Stay the hell away from eating in restaurant dining rooms (or spending any extended period inside enclosed public spaces where there are other people) until there is a vaccine and/or effective treatment.

    2. The formula "Successful Infection = Exposure to Virus x Time" is key, which means especially when maintaining social distancing, there actually is little to worry about regarding briefly passing by other walkers, joggers or cyclists while outside. (Even less when masks are worn.)

    There's something very comforting about being armed with solid, data-driven information.
  • Tue, 16:55: CoronaQuarantine, Day 61: Considering ideas for a new hobby
  • Tue, 19:37: This film is excellent and you should watch it.