My tweets

  • Tue, 5:54: CoronaQuarantine, Day 54: I take my temperature twice a day, after which I always wash the thermometer for twenty seconds, during which I often think to myself "This must be what it's like to give a hand job to a garden gnome."
  • Tue, 9:21: With at least four more weeks working from home (and if we’re honest, probably many more), I finally brought home my old-school PCC tumbler from the office for the tea I drink all day every day. At least *some* things haven’t changed: I still love my employer! ❤️ I’ll still be insanely delighted when I can finally work at the office again though.
  • Tue, 12:42: There's a raving lunatic next to the bus stop three floors below my condo windows and he just shouted, "Eat my asshole!" What a jerk, why didn't he offer that BEFORE I had lunch?