My tweets

  • Mon, 6:00: Seattle Pride 2020, All Photo Sets: bittersweet this year, what with all local events having to move online and become "virtual" shells of their former selves—with hope for a return to normalcy next year—but still a comfort that they existed at all, and at least Pride still happened in some form this year.
  • Mon, 8:27: Gotta love science, that time-proven method followed by virtually every country . . . except ours. Hope you're enjoying that American exceptionalism, everyone! Study: 100% face mask use could crush second, third COVID-19 wave
  • Mon, 12:49: RT @Jenny_Trout: "Masks are more dangerous because they rob you of oxygen!" Yeah, that's why we're always seeing headlines like, "Mask-related death toll spikes as every single nurse and doctor in the fucking country drops dead after wearing masks 7+ times longer than you do at the store."
  • Mon, 14:21: That feeling when you're petting your cat and feel something rough and suddenly realize your fingertips have grazed a crusty asshole.
  • Mon, 15:42: My new favorite thing today is someone on a podcast I'm listening to suggesting the eagle on the $10 bill, who was actually named Peter (?!), should have been named "Flaptain America."