My tweets

  • Mon, 11:32: Shanti has a new favorite perch and I guess she doesn’t realize she needs a spot to support her head.
  • Mon, 19:15: A strange bit of things coming full circle. Shobhit and I started watching the new HBO version of “Perry Mason,” and I was feeling rather dismissive of this popular woman preacher who figures prominently in the plot. A *popular* woman preacher? In the thirties?? Not realistic!

    Well, then I looked it up, and ... I stand corrected. (And: I clearly need to learn to give women more credit in the context of history.) The character Sister Alice McKeegan is apparently inspired by—you guessed it—popular 20s and 30s Los Angeles Pentecostal evangelist Sister Aimee Semple McPherson.

    And Aimee McPherson—wait, what? According to Wikipedia, she’s famous for founding the Foursquare Church! My paternal grandparents attended the Foursquare church in Shelton. I attended once as a teenager and witnessed congregants “speaking in tongues.” Even back when I was still a devout Christian I was weirded out by it.