up and down mbps

Today, so far at least, is working out a bit better than yesterday at work: the upload speed of my Xfinity internet service, which I was told yesterday should be about 15 Mbps, is above 9—far, far higher than it had consistently been yesterday, which was between 1 and 1.5. Download speed seems to be a bit different; when I test it on my work computer while using VPN, it's at about 37 Mbps, and I'm paying for "up to 600." Now, when I test on my personal iMac desktop, it still keeps on settling at between 300 and 400.
But, whatever: as of today, in stark contrast to yesterday, so far at least, I have not once had to reboot or reconnect to the VPN after it drops; it hasn't dropped once since I logged in this morning. If I were superstitious I would knock on some wood. Hey about a third of this new desk is wood!
Anyway, I have not canceled the technician appointment I still have, for sometime between 2 and 4. Hopefully there will be some improvement after that. I'm happy to report the upload speed has already improved exponentially, at least, which is what I am crediting the smoother VPN process for. It also means I have managed to be far more productive today than I was yesterday, even with more HBC email requests in Steven's absence. It hasn't been too bad.
I mean, the emails with new item information for Grocery alone keep piling up, and I have yet to be able to get to that as Scott had hoped. I only just realized I still need to write up the Market Special copy for the September 30 ad, which under normal circumstances I would have done yesterday. Hell, that was something I could have done even without VPN access! But whatever. I really hate that particular task. For the moment, though, I need to clean up and finalize the October TPR retails. Boy, this must be endlessly fascinating for you, huh?

Well, Shobhit gets a Social Review point! He went to Howell Park and its secluded little nude beach yesterday afternoon and brought his book, then texted me to ask if I would bus out there to meet with him and then drive us back home. He'd had a shot of whiskey and also two hits of someone's weed, and was ostensibly concerned about driving; he seemed perfectly sober when I saw him and I'm sure he was much more concerned about just finding a way to get a Social Review point.
I brought my own book, thinking I could get a few minutes of quiet reading even on the bus ride out there, except that Shobhit kept texting me every fucking thirty seconds about how much closer my bus was getting. It drove me fucking insane. You know what hit me just now, as I was writing this? Next time I'll just ignore such completely superfluous and unnecessary texts, and he can just see that I've arrived once I get there. I swear I spent half my time on the bus just pulling and pushing my phone in and out of my pocket.
It wasn't super hot yesterday, but it was warm enough; still, when I walked the trail down to Howell Beach, the vast majority of the fair number of people there—still with well enough space to be appropriately socially distanced—were clothed. I think I saw maybe three men there lounging totally in the nude. Even Shobhit had his clothes on when I arrived. I sat next to him on his beach towel and we both read for several minutes, and then we got up and I drove us home, stopping at Trader Joe's along the way.
After my day from hell—and really wondering if it would wind up being a week from hell, but honestly today has been far better, so thankfully it doesn't look like it will be that—I wanted a drink. Shobhit suggested I open one of our countless bottles of wine, so I did that. It was appropriately relaxing, in a way that honestly wine these days somehow works better for me than hard liquor does anymore (not that I'm giving up liquor, it still serves its purpose, don't you worry!). Then we sat down with the yummy dinner Shobhit made, and we watched this week's episode of We Are Who We Are on HBO; the second episode of Raised by Wolves on HBO Max; and then two episodes of season two of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.

[posted 12:30 pm]