
Not a lot to update on today, although I can refer you to something else to read: my solid-B review of Tenet, which I finally had the opportunity to sit down and watch last night, for the low price of $5.99 on Amazon Prime Video. I wonder who gets royalties for that rental, and how much? That's not very much money, so my guess is the amount is tiny, if anything at all. It probably depends on who got what licensing deal in the process of distribution, and if anyone is getting any royalties, it's Christopher Nolan as the director. Presumably the actors got paid a flat fee, and got paid long ago—well before there was any idea a global pandemic would completely upend cinema distribution models.
Anyway, I don't feel so bad that I missed out on this film in movie theaters. The movie is deeply flawed conceptually but as entertainment it's fine. To date, still, the only movie I really felt like I missed out by not seeing it on the big screen was Soul.
Tenet is a long movie, though—two and a half hours—so, once dinner was ready, watching it and then writing the review sucked up my entire evening. I had really hoped to watch it with Shobhit in the living room, but, no such luck: he literally had homework! Some sixty pages of his Introduction to Project Management book, for the online class he's taking. He's really taking it seriously; he had his first class on Tuesday, and when it was done he said, "That took a lot out of me." It would make sense for him to dive in, though, given that he paid a hefty price for this class (and more to come after) and would not want any of the expense to go to waste, which would be pretty stupid and pointless. I just really hope it turns out to be a worthwhile investment in the long run, and helps him get a real job like what he used to do again.
Anyway, I was still bummed that we couldn't watch it together. I think he would have been really engaged by it. And I would suggest he watch it on his own time before the rental's 48-hour period is up, except his has a full work shift today and another class to attend tonight. Hmm, he doesn't work until noon tomorrow though. I'm sure he won't think of the movie as a priority regardless—he's far into his cable news programs.

Oh, and a bit of time was added to how long it took me to get the movie review done, just because of how I managed to write the title of the review: ꓕƎNET. This reflects the marketing materials of the movie from day one, so that the word reads the same back to front or even when rotated. It's a gimmick tied into the movie's concept of playing with time running backward or forward, sometimes at the same time depending on the person or the object. I had to find separate websites that would either generate an upside-down T or a backward E so that I could copy and paste those characters into the review post's subject field. I'm still feeling somewhat clever and pleased with myself about it.
In other news, Guru won't shut the fuck up and it's driving me batshit.
Also, we had a shit ton of rain over the first few days of this week. It's been much more sunny—like, partly cloudy at worst—both yesterday and today. But, honestly? I already miss the rain. Part of it is that I often tend to feel this way regardless of the state of the world, but this time, I think part of it may also be that being in the middle of winter still precludes much in the way of doing anything outside, even when it's sunny. At least when it's raining there's comfort in the knowledge that I'd have to stay inside anyway. I mean, aside from when I have walked home from work and that kind of thing, and lately I've just been taking the car to go in to the office. Like I'll be doing again this evening.

[posted 12:31 pm]