Fri, 6:09: Well, considering it had to be experienced from home ... I liked it! It was a strange start to what is bound to be another strange year but strange isn’t always bad.
Fri, 8:32: Stopped mid-album last night and when I returned to the latest Katy Perry album after getting up this morning, this was by coincidence the first song I listened to in the new year—seems appropriate. The video is corny as hell but I like the song.
Fri, 8:46: Did anyone else have a very brief feeling like you were suddenly living in the distant future when you first saw "Happy New Year 2021" on your TV? If you're under 25, shut up, no one wants to hear from you in this conversation.
Fri, 14:07: I’m “always need a nap New Years afternoon because I was up way too late New Year’s Eve and am incapable of sleeping in” years old.