another day another monday

Yesterday I watched and reviewed my third movie in as many days, this time barely packing it into my post-work, evening schedule. Having rented it on Prime Video for $6.99 (totally worth it), I started playing the documentary MLK/FBI, about the FBI's nefarious surveillance of Martin Luther King Jr. in the sixties, right at 4:32. The movie is about an hour and 45 minutes long, and just to keep things on schedule, I never once paused it, so I did have to get up and use the bathroom in the middle of it at least once. I could still hear it from the bathroom.
I then spent the next 45 minutes or so writing my B+ review. Shobhit got home from work right as I was starting it, and while I was writing he made dinner: veggie and bean fajitas using Costco mini-naans instead of tortillas, which he fried on the griddle. We had never had a dinner exactly like this before, and it was phenomenal. And there wasn't even any cheese!

Once I was done eating my dinner, I then drove to the office to exchange receiving paperwork, the stack of which that I had worked through yesterday taking pretty much the entirety of my afternoon. I had to email the bread vendor again because they persist in invoicing several items with new replacement upcs at the wrong cost. I was assured via email yesterday that their pricing matched, but I remain skeptical and dread picking up the next stack on Thursday. The new stack I picked up last night was not quite as bad, but neither had last Monday's, and all the invoices regardless of vendor only covered two days. The next one will cover at least three and maybe four, and if this bullshit persists the next stack will be twice as thick again. And I have other shit to do, goddammit!
Just because of the thickness of yesterday's stack of invoices, which all had to be filed into folders for each of the fifteen stores, I was in the office about twice as long as usual yesterday—about half an hour. By the time I got back home again, driving Shobhit's car, I just browsed through social media and TikTok on the bed in the bedroom while Shobhit watched his cable news programs, until it was time to go to bed.

[posted 12:30 pm]