the power of the screen


— पांच हजार नब्बे —

Not a lot to report today, except that work yesterday was stressful. I even told that to Ivan as soon as I got home and he very kindly asked how work had been. "Why, what happened?" he said. He sounded genuinely interested. I didn't have anything juicy to share, though. "Just a lot of new stuff to do this week, on top of a huge backlog from last week," I said. I'm still dealing with receiver reports and weekly invoice compare reports that are taking probably half the time I need and it's a little crazy making. Not very interesting to hear about, though. On the upside, although I still have a ton to do, I came in this morning with a bit of a new attitude, and so far I'm not stressed at all. "Whatever" is often a good coping strategy. Granted, right now I am not getting hit by a barrage of store emails necessitating quick attention diverted from all this other shit I am trying to get done. That makes a difference.

— पांच हजार नब्बे —


— पांच हजार नब्बे —

Basically all of my evening at home last night consisted of watching and then reviewing a truly excellent film that's on Netflix right now—a new release, which had a limited Oscar-qualifying theatrical release I had no access to, and is easily one of the most critically acclaimed movies of the year—called The Power of the Dog. It's so good! Solid A.

Now, getting through it, and also getting through writing the review, was extended by several interruptions. First by making dinner (Shobhit came home from Costco with croissants so I made a sandwich with one, it was fucking delicious), making chai (which I had foolishly started before being reminded that we were out of milk; I had to wait until Shobhit got home before I could finish it with the added milk), and most notably, doing the laundry. Moving loads between the washer and the dryer, and especially putting all the clothes away: that shit takes time. At least, unlike what usually happens, I was pretty on top of it when clothes were ready to be switched or put away. I barely had the second load done before I had to go to bed.

— पांच हजार नब्बे —


[posted 12:38 pm]