we take what we can get

I only discovered yesterday that Last Week Tonight with John Oliver had finally returned on Sunday night for its eighth season premiere. Yay! So, Shobhit and I watched it just barely in time for it to end before his online Project Management class began at 5:30.
The primary topic? The next pandemic. The likelihood of another one in our lifetimes (high), what can be done to help lesson the likelihood (a lot), the chances we'll actually take those needed measures (roughly zero). Jesus Christ. I mean, this show was never one to be optimistic about humanity and its future, but damn, they really started off this season with a doozy. Feeling optimistic after President Fuckwit has finally been sidelined? We'll take care of that, with information that largely has nothing to do with him!
The episode did, of course, touch on it being a foregone conclusion that President Fuckwit would be acquitted a second time by a largely complicit Senate. Ted Cruz is such a truly unrepentant douche bag. Mitch McConnell is even more disgusting, but at least he's no longer the Majority Leader. Anyway let's not get into that, it's too depressing. Although I do have to say, President Fuckwit without his Twitter account is very much like a supervillain whose powers have been taken away, so for the moment at least, I don't take much stock in any idea of him making "a comeback," not even after his second impeachment acquittal. We have far more pressing, immediate and present-day real-world worries.
So then, while Shobhit was attending his class, I finally got around to watching last Friday's episode of WandaVision on Disney+. Some of it was dumb, a lot of it was kind of great. Those proportions regularly switch around when it comes to Marvel.

Beyond all that, last night I got another two hours of digitized home videos uploaded to Flickr—17 separated clips from one two-hour digitized VHS tape, all from my high school graduation week in 1994. So the photo album I had for this on Flickr, previously with 64 shots (57 from graduation week itself in June; another 7 from a graduation party Dad and Sherri threw for me at their house in Olympia in July), now has a total of 81 shots when adding the 17 video clips. I love that, now that it includes video clips, the album includes both my sets of grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa Minor had been unable to attend the graduation ceremony itself, but they did visit the day before, when I put on my cap and gown and posed for pictures with them.
And one last thing for today! I just finished Office Lunch Meetup #29 on Zoom, slightly up from the three people we had last week—to four: Rebecca, Noah, a returning Katherine (who did not join us last week apparently because the office Book Club met at the same time), and myself. We talked about countless things, not least of which was the snow over the weekend, but also covid and movies and blah blah blah. It's always nice just to be able to sit and spend some time socializing, even if only for an hour, even if only over video chat. We take what we can get these days.

[posted 1:04 pm]