my wednesday

God knows when it will be regarded as safe to work in the office again—late summer, perhaps? Fall? Will we all return with masks on, or no? Who the fuck knows? Does any of this matter? California was on fire last year and now Texas is frozen, are we even going to make it into 2022? I still want to book at least one more trip to Australia, goddammit! Anyway I really digressed right out of the gate here, didn't I?
I'll be delighted when we can work in the office again. I mean, just being able to move around at greater distances again for once. The office is all of 2.4 miles away, but right now that feels like plenty. I know, I still go in there twice a week. For, you know, fifteen minutes at a time, usually in the evenings when few to no other people are there. Anyway! One thing I'll miss, which would never occur to me prior to all this I would ever miss when going in to the office, is my cats jumping into my lap at regular intervals while I work. They sort of get in the way but I still kind of love it.
I won't miss other things, though, like cleaning up cat puke in the middle of the day, or smelling the chemical warfare of their turds, or even dealing with occasionally incessant yowls. At least in the office they have private phone rooms you can go into when that shit happens!

Shobhit worked until 8:30 last night. I heated up the last of the giant vat of sombar Shobhit made last weekend. I also watched the movie The Kid Detective, paying $4.99 before tax to watch it on Prime Video, and I really, really liked it. This movie is great and it has made virtually no money, which makes me sad. Even I only know about it because the director and lead actor were recent guests on the Doug Loves Movies podcast, and Doug Benson also sung its praises, lamenting how movies right now can really get missed unless some key person tells you about it. A whole lot of the movies I find to watch and review these days is only because I hear about them on movie podcasts.
I started the movie around 5:00, as I tend to do when I watch a movie after work while Shobhit is still at his job; that was over close to 7:00 and then it was near 8:00 by the time the review was written and posted. Then, I vacuumed. Shobhit came home and at his dinner while we watched two episodes of the second season of The Larry Sanders Show. And, voila!—that was my Wednesday.

[posted 12:31 pm]