getting back to it

Well, this came up faster than expected: Shobhit and I left for our trip to Australia one year ago today. Photos of our flights from Seattle to San Francisco and then out of San Francisco headed to Sydney came up on my Memories feed on Facebook today. I kept figuring I had at least a couple more days before those memories would show up—and, I was half-right: by the time the plane landed in Sydney, February 25 had been skipped altogether and the local date was February 26. Given the time change, I wonder how these memories will show up going forward? Will they come up based on the date in Australia—in which no Australia photos will show up in my Memories tomorrow—or will they show up based on what time it was in the Pacific Time Zone when they were posted? I'm going to guess the former, but we’ll see.
As for last night, I spent most of the evening editing digitized home video clips to upload to Flickr—about 28 of them, all from my first trip to San Francisco, when Grandma and Grandpa McQuilkin took me on a two-week camper trailer road trip there and back as a college graduation present. I already had a photo album for the whole trip with 188 photos, and it seems odd to me now that I hadn't done this already, but I now also have them separated into nine albums, all of them covering one to two days (or in one instance, three days, only because there were only about five photos covering the first two).
Shobhit had his Project Management online class and then spent the rest of the evening afterward watching his news programs. He made parathas before the class to have with leftover palak paneer, and that was very tasty; it was the only time we spent any real time together in the evening even though we were both home. I feel like I made a lot of headway in the video uploading project, although there's still a long way to go: many videos from between 1999 and 2004 still to get through.

And now, I just got off of the Zoom call that was Office Lunch Meetup #30! For several minutes it was only Rebecca and me, and we got to talking about movies and TV shows. Then, a first-timer! Marie from IT showed up about fifteen minutes in, and it was great to see and chat with her. Later Katherine logged in, using her phone inside one of the phone rooms at the office where she's apparently working today. And then, Noah joined, although none of us actually could see him, as his video feed was apparently having issues. He chimed in verbally every once in a while though.
I have way too much work to get done today and tomorrow, though, so that's all I've got for today's DLU. I need to get back to it!

[posted 1:09 pm]