the washingtonian

Last night I watched yet another movie, this one a digital screening so I had to wait until 7 p.m. to watch it: The Mauritanian, which should have been way better but I gave it a B-minus. Shobhit actually had the evening free last night—he got home at about 6:30—but we still didn't see much of each other because between 7:00 and 10:00 or so I was back in the bedroom, either watching the movie or writing the review.
Shobhit is off work today but has his virtual Project Management class tonight. I'm going back and forth as to whether to watch and review yet another movie tonight, but the more time goes on the more I think I'll take another break. In the past six days alone, I watched and reviewed five movies; I have another two to watch this weekend, with a third as another option but it can wait.
Laney and I rescheduled our March 12 Happy Hour to tomorrow night so we can utilize the free wifi at the Louisiana campground she's staying in right now, though March 4. She actually called me on Skype yesterday afternoon to test it, and although it was kind of choppy at first, it later connected just fine—even though her campsite was rather far, she said, from the lodge from which the wifi signal was coming. She may drive closer to it tomorrow night to make sure her signal is stronger, but based on yesterday's test it might still be fine even from her site.

Anything else? Daily transmissions of COVID-19 continue to go down, an ever-encouraging trend: I still check the Seattle Times coronavirus daily news updates page every day, updating the date in the URL each day on the tab. The line has been declining steadily for weeks now—882 reported new cases yesterday, up from the day before but the days go up and down and it's the 14-day average that matters—now as low as it was in early November, just as that gargantuan spike over the holidays began to ramp up. (I still can't get over the masses of people who insisted on traveling for the holidays, as it is the reason that spike happened at all.)
If this trend stays the course, we should be in a very good position indeed by the time my Birth Week rolls around at the end of April. Here's hoping. By then, far more people should be vaccinated as well: 12.73% in the state now having gotten their first shot; 5.46% with their second. By the time I even qualify to get vaccinated, by the sounds of things, we might even be at a point where I only need one shot instead of two. Who knows!
Oh! Also, I just finished FaceTime lunch with Karen. Great to catch up with her as always. I told her about my ongoing travel plans for brief trips over the coming year; she told me about one she has planned for next month. We talked about all sorts of other things as well, as usual. I had to take the call in the bedroom this time, sitting at my work desk, since Shobhit was home and watching TV out in the living room. But! Now I must get back to work.

[posted 1:03 pm]