days of future passed

Old digitized home video clips update!
As of last night, I now have two brand-new photo albums, more accurately video albums, on Flickr representing long-ago family holiday gatherings:
Christmas 2001: one video clip with Danielle on Christmas Eve; 11 more video clips of Christmas Day, three of those being surveillance-style footage of several of us playing a board game later in the evening. I kind of can't believe how often I did that on holidays between the late nineties and the early aughts; they were never going to be interesting to watch, not even now that it's fully two decades later. But, they've existed all this time so I won't just delete them.
Easter 2002: This consists of only one solitary video clip, eight minutes of the egg hunt that year. No still photos were taken. I think maybe around 2000-2002 I sort of fell into this idea that I didn't need to take still pictures anymore and deal with the hassle of sending them out to get printed, when I had the camcorder handy already. I now really wish I had taken more regular pictures at the time, but oh well, what can you do.
Also, this span of holidays, between Thanksgiving 2001 and Easter 2002, was all during the longest stretch of unemployment in my adult life—I managed to start getting temp jobs in April 2002, which I did a few of over about three months before finally landing the job I still have now, at PCC, in August of that year. Just one more year (okay, closer to a year and a half), I'll have worked for PCC for twenty years. And holy shit is my life different now than it was then—although some key things remain the same, namely that I live in Seattle, as I have always insisted I would.

I just finished with my first twice-monthly virtual lunch with Karen over FaceTime, and I learned she just spent four nights at the hospital over this past weekend—with a dry cough, shortness of breath, and a fever! Of course they were all terrified she had COVID, but it turns out she had an acute case of pneumonia. The most bizarre part of that is she just had pneumonia last year at this very same time—she said it's one year and three days since her last bout with it. She long wondered if last year's sickness had maybe actually been COVID, but after this repetition of it, I suspect not. In any case, what a rough break. That sucks.
She seemed to be doing quite well today though, probably largely because her doctor insisted she needed to take at least a week to rest, so she's taken this entire week off of work, which had previously been very stressful, and of course that never helps these matters at all.
My own work has been a little chaotic itself this morning. I mean, all from the seat of my home work desk, pretty much all over email, but that doesn't mean it can't be stressful. At least it's a very nice day, which seems to be brightening my spirits. I kind of love spring weather like this, when it's clear and sunny but only in the fifties. I just cracked open my bedroom window a bit to get some fresh air in here. Anyway now I need to get back to work.

[posted 1:08 pm]