
What is there for me to tell you about last night? Oh, I almost forgot: some time ago I actually bought a ticket to a virtual presentation by the Seattle Architecture Foundation, called "History of Western Architecture in 90 Minutes!" I hadn't actually paid for anything regarding SAF since the mid-2000s when I went on a few walking architecture tours with Hadley, and of course, this presentation had to be done virtually, over Zoom.
But, that was fine. Aside from a brief interlude with technical difficulty where the presenter guy, who was very good and a local architect, had his audio go out, I really, really enjoyed it. And naturally I would, as by the time he moved through the three major historical architecture styles (classic, gothic, and modern), he brought up several iconic skyscrapers as well as several famously modernist designs, from the Sydney Opera House to Seattle's Central Library. He tied the talk to local examples wherever he could, which of course I loved.
Shobhit wanted me to help him chop vegetables for the massive batch of sambar he made for dinner, so I watched on my iPad while doing a lot of that chopping. Shobhit even paid some attention to the talk himself, so in a sense you could say we watched it together. We finished with the chopping maybe two thirds of the way through the talk, and I stayed in the living room to finish it while Shobhit looked up information on his next Project Management online course.
Once the talk was over, just past 7:30, Shobhit wanted to watch his news programs, so I went back to the bedroom to watch episode 2 of the docuseries Can't Get You Out of My Head on YouTube. After this episode, I am actually feeling even more than after the first one that the series lacks clarity, so I have yet to understand the rave response by critics. Maybe I will by the time I finish it.

I just finished with Office Lunch Meetup #40, on Microsoft Teams, and am actually finishing up this post during he All-Merchandising Team Meeting I'm also having to attend right after.
Only three attendees today, which was less than we've had in four weeks—and it was only three rather than two, thanks to Andrew from IT joining us for the first time since January. He was clearly using his phone, in a van driving between store jobs to fix whatever. The other person, as always was Rebecca—no Noah today, which was rare; ditto no Katherine or Adrienne or Brent. It was still fun to chat with just those two though, and we easily filled up the hour chatting.
I have to stop writing and post this now though so I can focus on this Merchandising department meeting.

[posted 1:08 pm]