a productive evening

I'm just now realizing I managed to be quite productive last night: I watched and reviewed a movie before Shobhit even got home from work; we went grocery shopping at both Costco and PCC; I also did some work on editing and uploading digitized home video clips. Usually an evening can have either a movie or the home video work, but last night I managed both, plus grocery shopping!
The movie was one I've heard referenced multiple times on the Doug Loves Movies podcast—he even once had writer/director/star Jim Cummings and costar Riki Lindhome on the same episode—and I have just been biding my time until the VOD price finally came down. So, last night I paid $5.99 (plus tax) to see The Wolf of Snow Hollow, a fun horror comedy which has a run time so short (84 minutes, more like 80 without the end credits) that it really worked in my favor. Shobhit got off work at 6:00 but my work day ended at 4:30, at which point I started the movie immediately. That gave me truly barely enough time to get the solid-B review written and posted before he got to our building and I had to go downstairs to get into the car and go shopping. If the movie had been any longer, I'd have had to start writing the review but break for shopping and then finish when we got back.
Nothing of note to report from shopping. We super-stocked up on pantry staples, mostly canned beans (eight cans each of black beans, garbanzo beans, pinto beans, etc), because I let Shobhit know they were all set to go up in price by twenty cents on Friday this week due to a new pricing strategy on our "value brand." Shobhit sure loved the 99-cent price on those brands, but I told Eric last week that he'll want to buy a shit ton of them once he knows the price is going up, which kind of cracked him up. I just calculated that what we saved by buying dozens of these cans now instead of next week amounts to $7.60, which would have broken the bank, right? I guess you could argue that every dollar counts! Shobhit certainly feels that way. The cashier did note to us with pride yesterday, as he handed me the receipt, that we saved $69.38 on that transaction (the cost, what I actually paid, being $106.43, which means it was a 39% savings). Cashiers are often impressed by how much we manage to save in our endeavors to take advantage of discounts.

And as for the video clips, last night for the first time since starting my Flickr account in 2005 I created an album for Easter 2000, during which I had taken zero still photos but which now consists of 13 video clips. Danielle was living with me at the time, and this was thus in a relatively short period when she would tend to join me for family holidays in Olympia, and we stayed the entire weekend for Easter that year—largely so I could practice driving on her car, and then later take my driver's test in Olympia. (I finally got my license at age 24 so I could help out with things that necessitated driving at my job at the Seattle Gay News—it later allowed me to borrow Mike's car and do newspaper deliveries south of Seattle and on down to Olympia during the year we ran the Seattle Gay Standard from August 2000 to November 2001.) Three of those video clips are just Danielle as the passenger, recording me driving.
Another three are of the Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday itself, as I apparently recorded nearly half an hour straight of the egg hunt. Only one more of the clips is a brief one on Easter Sunday; the rest are five clips from Saturday, largely covering more of my driving practice but also a visit with Danielle to Priest Point Park; and then one more clip of a ferry ride on Sunday evening—we must have chosen to drive up the Olympic Peninsula side to Bremerton and then ferry across to Seattle from there.
I realized after uploading all of these that I skipped one of my digitized home video tapes: the trip to visit Gabriel and Suzy when they lived in Boston. That was in early March, whereas Easter that year was in mid-late April. I'll need to backtrack and process the trip to Boston.

[posted 12:34 pm]