review averages

Last night I watched and reviewed Godzilla vs. Kong, which was undeniably dumb but also entertaining, and a vast improvement over the previous installment, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which really sucked. And since this movie still got a C+, that kind of indicated how much the previous movie really sucked.
It was also the fifteenth movie I managed to review in the month of March this year, a track record I was able to make for two key reasons. First, it makes a huge difference in the amount of time I have to both watch and review a movie when I do not have to add the time it takes to travel to and from a movie theater, not to mention the time added by movie trailers. I love movie trailers, actually, but there is just an unparalleled efficiency to watching movies at home—and before the pandemic, I was truly religious about only reviewing movies I saw in a movie theater. I am now expecting to ease myself back into theater-going sometime in May, probably, but I may be choosier about which ones I bother insisting on seeing in theaters, and there is little doubt plenty of movies will still be available that I cannot find in a theater but are still worthy of reviewing.
Second, the ease with which I could fit 15 reviews in one month also has to do with just the fact that March is longer: 31 days. Fifteen reviews in that many days averages One review every two days; I reviewed 13 movies within the 28 days of February and when rounded it still averages one movie every other day (in strict averages: March was one movie every 2.07 days and February was one every 2.15 days). And when it comes to March, it helped that I posted a review on both the very first day and the very last day of the month.
In any event, by the end of 2021 I expect to have a particularly high review count, if not the highest ever. I mean, let's see: 42 reviews so far this year means an average of 14 per month; if that holds steady through the end of the year then 2021 will have 168 reviews. I believe my record is 133. Also, I'll probably be mostly back to theaters by the end of 2021, in which case keeping up the current average will be more of a challenge, so I don't expect I'll manage 168. I could manage more than 133, though.

Anyway! I deliberately waited until Shobhit got home from work before I started the movie, figuring he'd probably have fun watching it. He stops on movies that dumb regularly while channel surfing, after all. He did comment in the middle of the movie that it was kind of bad (he wasn't wrong), and twice he actually nodded off—a problem I had had while in the theater watching Godzilla: King of the Monsters two years ago. I'd never have gone to see this one in a theater, but, I felt like reviewing another movie and figured it might as well be this one.
Before Shobhit got home, I watched episode 3 of the docuseries Can't Get You Out of My Head. Jury's still out on how I feel about it. It kind of seems like you should be able to decide whether something is compelling and worth watching after three 75-minute episodes, though.

[posted 12:31 pm]