vax wingman

Shobhit got his second shot yesterday! I was going to say he's "fully vaccinated," but he won't technically be considered thus until another two weeks have passed—so, April 25. But, he's well on his way.
You go back to the same site where you got your first shot, so Shobhit once again went to the mass vaccination site at Amazon Headquarters. I figured out only this morning that the specific building he got it at is not technically the "Doppler" high-rise, but rather a separate, self-contained building just to the north of it on the same block, called the Amazon Meeting Center. It's not very tall, maybe, five floors.
Shobhit got his first shot on March 21 , exactly three weeks prior, and the experience this time was quite a lot different: not nearly as many people waiting in line to get their shots. I think demand is waning, and it really should still be high, if we want to reach herd immunity sooner than later. But, anti-vaxxers are fucking morons. Anyway! In sharp contrast to the line stretching outside and literally around the block on March 21, Shobhit made it inside pretty much immediately.
Ironically, I bet this means I could have accompanied him inside even more easily than I did before. But, at his request, I had walked there to meet him yesterday, but he arrived a couple of minutes before I did and went right in from the parking garage. I just waited for him outside, for maybe twenty minutes, as he still had to wait inside for 15 minutes after he got his shot. At my request, though, he did take a picture of that huge conference room where all the shots were being given. I wish I had taken a picture three weeks ago, as the crowd was much larger—fewer people were there administering shots this time. Judging by the photos, maybe, twelve? There was easily double that before, which makes me realize that even on the 21st I really exaggerated when I estimated there must have been 100.
Shobhit texted me he was feeling a little light-headed, and loud music they were playing in there didn't help. I walked around and took some photos of the Amazon Headquarters buildings while I waited, got a nice photo of an awesome mural on the outside wall of the Meeting Center, and then found a bench to sit on and watch TikTok videos while I waited. Soon enough Shobhit met me outside, only to go into the lobby of the actual Doppler building to head down to the parking garage. He asked me to drive us home, which means, really, it was for the best that I met him there regardless.
Once we got home, we made some food to eat, and then we started season two of The Expanse on Amazon—the first season was pretty good, but so far season two is notably better, certainly more exciting—to the point that we struggle to stop watching. We burned through three episodes in succession, but then Shobhit decided he felt well enough to go down to the P-patch and plant the starts he bought when we were up at the Tulip Festival a week ago Saturday. He asked me to come down to keep him company; I did only a couple of very minor things in terms of assistance. I am no gardener and have no interest in gardening, and besides, I was wearing my white jeans!
I did decide to throw him a Social Review bone and qualify this for the next Social Review, though. This may have been on the Braeburn Condos premises, but it wasn't really just going out for an errand, and technically we did leave the condo and just sort of hang out somewhere outside together. While I was out there I was shocked to discover, for the first time after living here thirteen and a half years, that the property of the Braeburn West, including the P-patch behind it, stretches the length of two other residential buildings to the north of the Braeburn East (where our unit is).
We then came inside and watched yet another two episodes of The Expanse. We just can't stop! Five episodes in one day.

And, that was hardly the only thing I watched this weekend: late last week marked the beginning of the Seattle International Film Festival, all-virtual this year after being canceled outright last year. Friday, Saturday and Sunday each I watched and reviewed one such film, thus already getting through half the six films I purchased to stream: Friday was Summertime (solid B), a slam poetry musical-like film by the same director as Blindspotting; Saturday was Potato Dreams of America (B-minus; a little janky but still affecting movie about a gay Russian teen whose mom immigrates from Russia to marry a man in Seattle); and yesterday was Valentina (solid B movie about a Brazilian trans teenage girl).
That effectively took up the rest of my time over the weekend, including virtual Q&As for the movies on both Friday and Saturday—on Friday I had to watch the Q&A first because it was scheduled so close to when I finished work.
I'm going to skip any movie-watching tonight; we need to do some grocery shopping. I do have movies scheduled to watch every evening for the next four days, though; two of them part of SIFF and two of them Oscar nominees I want to watch and review. I get my own second Pfizer shot tomorrow afternoon, though, and hopefully I feel well enough to watch the movies.
I have my first haircut since February of last year scheduled for this coming Saturday though. So that's exciting. Cut and color, I decided! That means it's going to take a long time (three hours minimum) and cost a lot of money, but after my scalp hurting for two days after I colored it myself with a box from Bartell Drug last year, I finally decided it would be worth getting it done professionally with comparatively minimal pain. It's either that or just leave my hair gray, which is kind of fine with me but I know Shobhit much prefers it blond. Thus, he's not going to bitch about my spending a fortune to get it done.

[posted 12:31 pm]