ohhhh, the cheese

Yesterday Shobhit and I . . . went shopping! How exciting!
Well, I mean: the huge sale at Costco on Tillamook cheeses actually was pretty exciting. I suppose this is a pretty good reflection of my getting older, when a sale on cheese is not only the most exciting thing to happen in a given day, but I feel compelled to shout it fro the rooftops.
We bought three blocks of cheddar, two of them sharp and one extra sharp white, and two packages of sliced, one sharp cheddar and one Swiss (my favorite!). With the exception of breakfast cereal, cheese might be the food item that most makes life worth living.
That sale at Costco was a happy discovery while we just happened to be there. We then went to PCC Central District to take advantage of a digital Member Coupon deal we already knew about . . . on cheese! Buy one 8oz wedge of BelGioioso Vegetarian Parmesan, get one 8oz wedge of BelGioioso Creamy Gorgonzola for free. These are otherwise $7.99 each, so that's what I paid for both—except with my 15% employee discount, I actually paid $6.79 for both. That's effectively a 58% discount. How could we not go for that?

Costco also had a stunning sale on 2-packs of ravioli for $2 each—what kind of inventory must they have on those?—and so that's what we then came home and made for dinner, using half a jar of pesto sauce we also got at Costco, with just a couple of chopped sauteed vegetables added. And a bit of gorgonzola! It made for a very, very tasty dinner, which we ate while watching Sunday night's episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. We then followed that up with one more episode of season 2 of The Expanse.
Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention I went to the office to swap out paperwork after I finished work—we've got beautiful weather all week this week, so I was able to ride my bike. It was also rather breezy, though, and how much more difficult it can be cycling against the wind, especially riding up steep hills, cannot be underestimated. It made for a physically satisfying workout, though.
I usually go on Mondays and Thursdays, but I think this week I will wait for my second trip until Friday, because I'll be going to the office that day for other reasons anyway. Zaira, our current receptionist, is leaving for New York and Friday is her last day; there's a small going-away get-together for her on Friday. I would probably not attend this if I were not yet vaccinated, but I get my second dose today. And yes, you’re not technically considered "fully vaccinated" until two weeks later, but, the weather is expected to be warmer Friday than on any other day this week so we can go out onto the patio. I honestly don't expect a huge number of people either, and between wearing masks inside the office and any gathering being out on the patio, I've decided it'll be okay.

[posted 12:28 pm]