
Pretty quick update today I think. I have little to catch you up on.
I rode my bike to the office after work yesterday, to swap out receiving paperwork, while Shobhit was still working. The weather was decent and it felt good to get the exercise. With each passing day I look more and more forward to moving back to working at the office. It will make my work flow so much simpler again, and I'll get exercise like this more regularly again.
Semi-regularly, I think back to a year ago, when we were all assuming things like work-from-home would end in a matter of weeks. And then a couple of months. Then: summer maybe. Then: fall. Even as early as we were deluding ourselves that this would only last a matter of weeks, there were people saying these effects are more likely to go on clear into the next year and maybe longer. Many regarded them as alarmists, and they turned out to be right. I recognized it as a distinct possibility from the start, but with no concept of actual probability, so I still allowed myself hope that this could all be over sooner than it ever was likely to be.
At least we're seeing the end of the tunnel now. Plenty of people, especially in this country (but also in many others), are really going out of their way to make even easing out of this more difficult than it needs to be. But the vaccination campaign is clearly the key to truly moving past it.

Shobhit suggested English muffins with eggs topped with sambar for dinner. I had it nearly ready by the time he got home, but I skipped the sambar and just had the English muffins with eggs, and then veggie sausage patties. It was so fucking tasty!
We then proceeded to watch three episodes of The Expanse on Amazon Prime, thereby finishing up the first season. I generally enjoyed it, and according to MetaCritic, the score for season one, aggregating critical responses, is 65 out of 100, which is decent and makes sense. What makes me compelled to keep watching is that that number goes up significantly with subsequent seasons. Interestingly, the first season of Star Trek Discovery, of which I have two episodes on my library copy of DVDs yet to watch, has a score of 72, and that one stays pretty much consistent right around there with all subsequent seasons. This suggests Discovery is the better of the two shows, only comparing their first seasons, and then moving forward The Expanse is better from season 2 on—albeit, evidently, with Discovery never getting worse. In any case, I look forward to watching more of both.
I won't watch as much tonight though as I have Virtual Happy Hour with Laney after work. Back to just straight-up phone call with this one as she is back in a place with no wifi, but that's fine. I still look forward to it.

[posted 12:29 pm]