dry stuff

Typical Tuesday! I have a lot less to say today after yesterday's post detailed all of the events from over the weekend.
So what can I tell you about yesterday? Well, I went back and forth as to when and how I would go to the office to exchange my annoyingly fat stack of receiver paperwork. It was less warm yesterday and occasionally wet, which I would not have ridden my bike through, so at first I thought I would be taking Shobhit's car as late as 9:00 after he got home from his later shift. But, then the day's forecast for the rest of the day changed as the day wore on, with no more rain expected, so I did ride my bike after all.
It was a very nice ride, actually. I rode first to the Central Library downtown to return my DVD copy of Star Trek Discovery season two. I was in the office all of ten minutes before leaving again; I wasted no time. I did tell Shobhit later last night that I succeeded in not snacking at all—I forgot there was one small exception: I had a cheese stick snatched from the Merchandising Pantry refrigerator. I was hungry! And, at least it wasn't a sweet of any kind, which is really the key here. My weight was down this morning, thank god, although I remain above 160 lbs. If I can keep this going then I'll be back into the 150s, even if barely, by tomorrow.
I was back home by about 5:45. Fed the cats, made myself a sandwich for dinner with only my trusty zero-calorie Zevia soda as a beverage, and then sat down to watch my third movie to review in as many days: The Dry, which was all right (solid B). That's been the basic level of all three of these latest movies, and I'm sure ready for something a lot more exciting or entertaining again. At least my next movie, tomorrow, is going to be at a theater again, and that alone is exciting.

After I finished writing my review, I heated up the leftover rice and beans for Shobhit, and even fried some tortillas for him, which was nearly done when he got home from work. We then proceeded to watch this week's episode of Pose, which was kind of dull in its first half and then got slightly better by the end. I went to bed shortly after that.
I keep forgetting this coming weekend is a three-day weekend, for Memorial Day. It's one of our "holiday pay" days at work. It won't be the case for Shobhit, who only has Saturday off—his first day off since May 11, and actually his first day off of work or his Project Management class since May 2. I had really wanted to take the day to finally go to Whidbey Island as I was unable for my Birth Week thanks to Claudia's cancelation, but I've decided to let Shobhit just relax and take it easy, as he's had to work so many days straight. He had clearly been willing to do this day trip but I could tell he'd rather not; we can do it another time. He's already slated to take three days PTO for our anniversary two more weeks into June anyway.
That will be Saturday-Monday, June 12-14, our weekend to Portland, the hotel finally booked last week. The weekend following, I'll be going to visit Idaho to see my brother with Dad and Sherri, that one booked for a couple of months now. I still need to reserve a rental car for that weekend, though. The weekend after that is Pride, which is going to be very interesting this year: no public parade for the second year in a row, which sucks deeply, but I expect a lot more to be going on on Capitol Hill than had been allowable last year. So it'll be different, but probably not entirely virtual like last year, which is an improvement at least.
God knows what the rest of the twenties is going to look like. Relief coming out of a pandemic, just to face increasing threats related to global warming, I expect. Exciting stuff.

[posted 12:29 pm]