Return to Benatar

Oh my god. I am so glad it's Friday. I don't usually find myself saying this, but damn, my work load has been increasingly ridiculous for a while now, and then going on vacation last week truly exacerbated it. I couldn't even tell you how much I have left to attend to from emails sent to me last week; I've only had time this week to work on what was most pressing at the moment. And on top of that, this morning I trained two new HBC people on how to run a particular process that I've been covering for Steven for a while. Ironic, that, how doing something that will save you some time in the long run just adds to your list of too many things to do right now.
There's not much to tell about last night anyway. I just kind of chilled again. Shobhit had his Project Management class, which he does virtually at the dining table (which, incidentally, is now covered with paperwork of all sorts by him, which drives me a little crazy but whatever). I spent the first hour of his doing that, finally getting to the first episode of my library DVD copy of season two of Star Trek Discovery. Finally Tig Notaro appears! Shobhit walked back to the bedroom in the middle of his class, I guess feeling like a break for a moment, and it happened to be the scene pretty far into the episode when she is introduced. I was surprised that he recognized her: "She's in this?" He couldn't have even told me which Star Trek series it was, I'm sure. But I'm also sure he recognized it as Star Trek in a general sense.

Oh, I also drove to the office right after work yesterday, to swap out paperwork. Usually the stack I pick up on a Thursday is thinner but this week it was annoyingly thick. On the upside, I now have a tiny lidded plastic container, which is now washed out after discovering it reorganizing a bathroom drawer a couple of weeks ago—it had clearly been in there for years, whatever was in it (some kind of white substance, a lotion maybe?) long since forgotten. This provided the solution to my having exhausted the supply I had been taking from in an office supply room, of paper cups, into which I put vanilla and lavender flavoring syrups so I can make myself London Fog tea lattes to drink while I work every Friday. I couldn't find more cups anywhere else, and Shobhit was like, why don't you just take a container? My first instinct was to think all the containers we have are too big for this, but then I remembered this much smaller plastic cup with a sealing lid.
These are exciting details, aren't they?
Anyway. I listened to Pat Benatar's In the Heat of the Night abum on my iPhone while driving there and back. I hadn't listened to that album since 2014, but the opening track, "Heatbreaker," happened to be a particularly inspired choice for a chase scene in the movie Nobody that I went to see on Wednesday, which put me in mind to listen to it again. So then, last night, after watching the Star Trek Discovery episode, I listened to Pat Benatar's Get Nervous album—always my favorite album of hers—which I had not listened to since 2017.
The last time I listened to all the studio albums I have by Pet Benatar (currently, about six) was in 2010. I always liked her but she's still kind of a second- or third-tier artist in terms of my favorites, so especially in the Podcast Era, her discography gets largely ignored in my music listening habits these days. Until a choice scene in a fun movie reignites my interest. Also: how did I never know that Crimes of Passion, her second album and released in 1980, was her best selling one? It went four times platinum! Only its follow-up, 1981's Precious Time—my second-favorite of her albums—sold even half as much. And Crimes of Passion was the only one of her albums from between 1979 and 1984 that I never owned on CD (I have it digitally now).
She's 68 years old now. Can you believe that shit? She last released an album in 2003, at the age of 50. It's one of only two or three of her albums that I've still never heard. Maybe I should look into it.

[posted 12:31 pm]