the source

Now I'm pretty busy with little more to say, being in the middle of a merely three-day work week. Yesterday after work I rode my bike to the office and back to swap out receiving paperwork, which I'll be doing again tomorrow, hopefully after getting done the work that needs to get done by the end of the day tomorrow.
I wound up working just a few minutes later than usual yesterday, so I got a later start than usual on my bike by about 15 minutes; it was just past 6 p.m. by the time I returned to the condo again, and Shobhit was on his virtual Project Management class call. I made myself a sandwich and went to the bedroom to watch an episode of Sweet Tooth on Netflix.
I did get a bit of news at work yesterday: the target date of returning to the office mask-less has been moved up, from July 1, which is a Thursday, to Monday June 28. So now I'll be taking all my desk equipment back to the office sometime over Pride weekend. We're actually having a Merchandising Department social event on the patio at work that Friday, June 25, so ideally I will stop work an hour or two early and just bring all my stuff when I come for that.
Oh, and in other news, I actually spoke to a Seattle Times reporter yesterday afternoon. She's doing a piece on Seattle Pride this year and how much of it will be virtual again. She reached out to me via Twitter DM on Monday after seeing my Twitter thread about that. I gave her my phone number and she called me at 4:00 and we spoke for about twenty minutes, about my experience with Virtual Pride last year and my hopes and expectations for this year.
And I know how this works: I gave her a lot of statements, but in all likelihood, if I get quoted at all, it'll probably be just once or twice. I did send her links this morning to my countless Pride photos from over the years, including screenshots from last year, which she seemed to really appreciate. She said the piece will run Pride weekend, maybe even on Pride Sunday itself, which seems oddly late to me but whatever. I'll still be keeping an eye out for it.

I just finished with this week's Virtual Office Lunch Meetup on Microsoft Teams, and although Noah didn't make it this week, two people who don't often make it did! Andrew showed up for maybe fifteen minutes, making his 11th appearance; then Tracy appeared, making her third. She joined the call nearly halfway through the hour.
For the first ten or fifteen minutes it was just Rebecca and me, as often happens. We talked about whether she should just cancel this weekly virtual meetup after next week, which will now be the last one before the official return to the office. But, Rebecca herself will continue working from home probably three days a week, she thinks, so she may still email the office just to ask if anyone else who works from home would be interested in it. Given that few other people ever join the calls, I kind of doubt it. I mean, we had four present today, and that was higher than we've had in five weeks.
We did have lots to talk about today, though, and it was nice and fun to see them as always. That said, I much more look forward to being able to see coworkers in person over lunch breaks again.

[posted 1:05 pm]