Mon, 7:56: I am so done with all the anti-vaccination ignorance. Hospitals are not overwhelmed with vaccinated people. They are overwhelmed WITH THE UNVACCINATED. If you qualify for vaccination (and that’s nearly everyone) and refuse it, then get sick, don’t go to the fucking hospital. We’re at a point where hospitals should just be refusing you treatment so people with non-COVID-related medical needs can be prioritized, instead of being denied treatment as is happening now. That won’t happen, it’s not how our health care system works—but we’re at a point where it should be. Because seriously, fuck you selfish, sociopathic people all the way to hell.
Mon, 22:08: So I just got around to watching SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME, which I found to be far more enjoyable than I expected—certainly more so than SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING, which was frankly a bit of a snooze fest—that is, until the post-credit stinger revealing those green people, and I'm like, who the fuck are these guys? Are these the alien people from CAPTAIN MARVEL? Something else I'm supposed to know but don't? Why do they insist on making this so much work, just to remember ten zillion characters from ten zillion worlds—in, soon enough, ten zillion FUCKING DIMENSIONS—for fuck's sake! I had enough of far too many narrative threads in Game of Thrones! I need a goddamn companion character/creature handbook! UGH. I'm so tired. Get off my lawn!