Mon, 16:19: I saw 14 people in costume at work this year—a far cry from the peak of 56 in 2019, but a huge improvement from last year when I was literally the only one! The number of people still working from home remains a factor, but I’d still call our “Halloween Happy Hour” a smashing success. Counting people who *weren’t* in costume, I’d estimate a good 18-20 people either attended or stopped by.
Mon, 20:25: Third year in a row taking a Halloween evening walking tour of North Capitol Hill, where the big houses and the elaborate displays are—always a worthy endeavor. Except, I kind of can't get over how people *still* put Michael Jackson songs in their Halloween playlist rotations ("Thriller," "Somebody's Watching Me"). I guess if people want to be truly disturbed for Halloween, listening to recordings of a pedophile at the height of his crimes might do the trick.