My tweets

  • Wed, 01:24: Well, that didn't take long. Shobhit tested positive with our home covid test kits yesterday. At the time, I tested negative.

    I just took another test for today: I'm now positive too. Oddly, Shobhit's second line on the test strip, indicating positive test, appeared almost instantly, in a very, very bold line. Mine indicated a second line too, but after a few minutes, and very faint. Every place you look says it doesn't matter how bold or faint the second line is; if it's there at all, you're positive.

    I've tried to see if anyone knows whether there is any difference, and it doesn't seem as though anyone does. Apparently a faint line "could" mean my viral load is lower, but the tests do not test viral load. They just test whether the virus is detected at all. We both have it. No surprise, since I slept overnight in the same bed with Shobhit the night before he got his positive test.

    So: there goes my planned Birth Week vacation next week. Assuming I recover soon enough, the plan now is just to shift it to the week after. In terms of averages, I should be fine again within the next ten days. And since my birthday lands on a Saturday, it still qualifies: my Birth Week will just start with my birthday instead of ending with it. A silver lining! I'm searching widely for them, work with me here.

    I could already feel symptoms slowly coming on today. At least, so far, they are incredibly mild—much more mild than Shobhit's. But, it's still the beginning, and I'm a day behind him. It could get much worse. Let's just hope it doesn't.