My tweets

  • Sat, 8:39: It’s not by much of a margin, but for once I’ve woken up feeling slightly better than I did the morning before. I’m calling it a win.
  • Sat, 19:48: I may have turned a true corner this afternoon. I was still feeling physically exhausted this morning, but after a nap early this afternoon I felt much better—if still with a minor lingering cough and slight congestion. Right now I *almost* feel normal, which is truly better than I’ve been since Tuesday.
  • Sat, 22:49: I keep forgetting to mention this cough syrup that Shobhit brought back from India, which contains chlorpheniramine, which is just an antihistamine.

    When he was looking for it after unpacking, though, he said, “It has chloroform in it.” And I was just like … what.

    Anyway I’ve had a lot of this chloroform cough syrup this week.