Sat, 15:05: RT TimRossComedy SGive a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, buy the pond, tell him he can’t have the fish but he can fish for you and you sell the fish and give him a very small cut and then he’ll say stuff like “I am hungry and my teeth hurt.” Nobody wants to fish these days
Sat, 16:51: Shobhit brought a few things back from India. (Note the casserole dish, to the right. Apparently Shobhit’s dad, who passed away in 1990, purchased that in London in about 1965. That alone makes me really love it.)…
Sat, 18:53: Soooo I was putting stuff away that Shobhit brought back from India, including a 2.5oz bottle of Hermes cologne that I dropped, still in the box, on the bathroom floor. It cracked all around and most of it leaked out—on the floor, on the bathroom counter, on my hands. I'm sure it was expensive, even if he got it duty free.
It came with a 0.42oz bottle that remains intact. Shobhit is already zonked out from jet lag so he still doesn't know. I mean, it may have already been cracked from travel but I still dropped the fucking thing and I feel really bad.
In more positive news I smell great!